There are many steps in learning how to become a blogger. This beginner's guide will show you how you can become a blogger in just 8 simple steps!
Have you ever started your own blog before and ranked from it?
If so, what does it take to start and maintain a successful blog?
What did you do right/wrong at the beginning of this new venture?
There are many steps involved in learning how to become a blogger.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to show you how to become an online blogger even with the most basic computer skills.
The next time you want to start your own blog but don’t know where to start, you can refer back to this guide!
How To Become A Blogger

So, you’ve already started a blog, set up everything, and your new website is running smoothly.
However, you’re not a good writer.
You have never written blog posts or articles before and have no experience in the field.
No worries.
Even the SEO gurus we know today started from where you are right now.
The only difference is that you have millions of resources online to get to their level a lot faster.
People read blogs to get a personal perspective on the issues they are facing.
Experienced bloggers know this and capitalize on it.
In fact, you get this part right, and you can be one of the best bloggers in your industry.
Generally, most bloggers write articles in an informal and conversational style for readers to easily understand and relate to their content.
You can do the same to get your blogs up there with the big names.
Master this art.
And within the shortest period, you’ll come to realize just how powerful blocks of text and a few relevant images can change your life.
Like with everything else in life, when starting out for the first time, you will stumble along the way.
Fall on your face even and try out some terrible ideas.
However, you will also learn from the hurdles and capitalize on them to better your writing skills.
There’s really just one requirement to be a successful internet blogger: a passion for what you’re writing. You want to pour your heart and soul into your writing, and you want your readers to see it.
Trust me. They will take note.
This guide will help you get there a lot quicker.
1. Choose A Blog Name
Here’s where the fun begins.
Naming your blog is perhaps one of the most fun experiences you’ll have in this endeavor.
This is your brand.
Online users will use this name to find your blogs and other content.
77% of marketers affirm that proper branding is crucial for growth.
So, you’ll want to make it something simple but unique.
However, don’t overthink it.
Remember, the magic of your brand is built over time. So, keep moving forward.
Don’t let yourself get stuck in one spot for too long.
The best strategy to land the perfect brand name is to brainstorm and write all ideas that pop into your head.
No idea is too silly or too serious or too important right now.
You’ll want to be of the view that everything you imagine is the right name.
Get this part right, and you’ll nail down the perfect name for your blog sooner than you think.

After you’ve come up with a name for your blog, you’ll want to check its availability.
If all goes as planned, no other website will have used that name.
If not, don’t fret.
Keep brainstorming and checking until you find an option you like that’s available.
Sure, this part might take some effort.
But it’s a crucial step that you must take with extreme caution.
Here are some extra tips to help you choose an excellent blog name:
- Always pick a .com when possible
- Keep it short and concise
- Easy to say and understand
- Avoid using numbers, homophones, and hyphens
- Avoid complicated or commonly misspelled words
- It should be easy to recall
Simply put, you want a domain name that captures your target audience’s attention.
2. Get Blog Hosting
Now that you’ve put a name to your blog, it’s time it went live.
This part might be somewhat complicated for first-timers in the blogging game.
But we will try to make it as simple as possible.
If anything, it’s much easier than it actually sounds.
A blog host is an online service that stores all the files and content for your blog and delivers it to users who type in your domain name.
In other words, you cannot have a blog without a blog host.
To get your website up and running, you need a blog host (web host) and blogging software.
Fortunately, these two typically come packaged together.
In this guide, I will discuss how to become a blogger using the WordPress blogging program.
Because WordPress is one of the most popular, easily customizable, and easiest to use blogging software in the industry.
It also comes packed with thousands of plugins you can use to optimize your blog.
The web hosting service I’d recommend and mostly use for this guide is BlueHost.

A quick note here.
Getting an alternative web host like WordPress or Blogger can make your domain name look unpleasant.
Something like doesn’t sound too attractive.
But that’s only for the free versions of the hosting service.
Try one of the subscriptions.
And you’ll have access to even more custom features.
3. Add WordPress
Generally, you cannot start a blog service without blogging software.
Most online bloggers run their blogs on WordPress.
It’s very user-friendly, free, and powerful.
WordPress also offers thousands of free plugins users can capitalize on to modify their blog posts in any way, shape, and form.
The best thing about it is you don’t have to be a tech guru to install WordPress plugins on your computer.
It can be done within minutes!

Within a minute, you will have control and a fully functional WordPress.
4. Customize Your Blog Theme
Again, WordPress’s unlimited customization options make it one of the best web hosting software available.
This also makes it impossible to cover all customizations in this guide.
Instead, we will cover the most important customization processes you should apply to your blog.
This includes uploading your logo, editing the blog title, changing colors, making homepage settings changes, and uploading the background image.
You can also use plugins to add contact forms, forums, or sliders.
While these may seem like basic features for a hosting service, they aren’t available by default.
Congratulations, you’ve just got basic learning on how to customize your blogs and make your preferred changes.
5. Brainstorm For Topics To Write About
Technically, your website is now set and ready to go.
The next stage is to generate a topic that readers will find exciting enough to click on.
A majority of blog posts often come from personal experiences, successes, failures, passions, and new learnings.

In other words, you’ll never run out of great content to share with your readers.
You just need to find the right topic that gets them to click on your blog.
If you’re not sure what to write about, here are a few inspirations you can use to find interesting blog topics:
- Life experiences – Ultimately, everyone has life lessons they’ve learned through experiences. They can be good or bad. Sharing this knowledge with your audience can be incredibly helpful, especially if your readers are or have been in similar situations.
- A personal blog – This blog is all about you. It can include several different topics like things you do daily, random thoughts, and even musings.
- Hobbies and passions – Write about hobbies and other interests you’re passionate about. These can be anything from cooking to fashion, traveling, sports, and even cars.
Besides crafting an interesting topic for your audience, it must also be descriptive.
You want your readers to instantly know what your blog is about from the topic alone.
Don’t leave them second-guessing.
Come BiQ Keyword Intelligence.
BiQ is the best online SEO Suites that provides users with interesting content ideas that lure the right target audience and drive search engine rankings.
With BiQ Keyword Intelligence, you will quickly find ideas to help make your blog post and title great.

The goal here is to keep readers coming back for more content.
And for that, you’ll need even more interesting and relevant content ideas for your blog.
6. Write And Publish Your First Blog Post
If you got to this stage means you’ve got everything right so far.
You’re even closer to publishing your first ever post.
Now, it’s time you started blogging.

You finally have the chance to own the blog.
Make it yours with your unique writing style.
Anyone who wants to learn how to become a blogger must work out the best ways to turn this vision into reality.
Let’s help you create your content:
- Content – start typing the content for your basic blog pages. These include your About Page, Start Here Page, Contact Page, and any other web page you want to include in the header.
- Images – images play a critical role in spicing up your content. You’ll want some high-quality pics that are relevant to your written content pieces. Fortunately, the internet is crawling with high-quality image sources like Unsplash, iStock, Shutterstock, Jarvis, etc., the list is endless.
- Comments – you can choose to either include content in your blogs or not. They are great for receiving feedback and engaging with your readers more directly.
- Publish – publish at least once every week, especially when starting a new blog.
Generally, there are several other steps you can follow before publishing your blog.
You just remember to create content that appeals to you and your audience.
BiQ Content Intelligence will also allow you to analyze and identify your reader’s sentiment behind every line.
Simply insert your focus keyword and target URL to see this critical data.
You can either draft your entire content or paste your content in the space given.
An analysis of your content will be shown in live time.

BiQ’s Content Intelligence will also provide you with a block-by-block analysis of your content to enable you to draft an SEO-friendly post.
7. Stick To A Regular Schedule

One fatal mistake most startup bloggers make is blogging only when they want to.
Blogging doesn’t work like that.
That mentality of blogging only when you “feel like it” never works.
Once fans get a taste of what you’ve got to offer, they will want more.
You can’t afford to not deliver.
Sure, unforeseen circumstances will arise somewhere down the line.
A new Netflix series may take over your time, or hanging out with friends makes you miss your blogging schedule.
Such excuses won’t fly in this industry.
You must be prepared to dedicate your time to blogging.
As an online blogger, I follow my editorial calendar without compromise.
This way, my readers will always have fresh, interesting, and highly informative content ready for them whenever they click on my blog.
Consistency is key and is something you must learn to prioritize to survive in this industry.
Schedules aren’t just for the big content publications like the Huffington Post or the New York Times.
They are also for regular people.
The better you learn to start keeping dates, the faster your blog and audience will grow.
8. Monetize Your Blog (Optional)

Say you managed to complete all the steps above.
You can start making money from your blog.
This step is actually quite easy.
Plus, it’s optional.
Not every online blogger is in it to make money.
When done properly, you can make big bucks from blogging.
You could opt to sell advertising space after your blog brings in high traffic.
Offers from brand partnerships and other sponsored posts will follow you around.
As you will gather from this post, starting a blog is easy.
You can actually create one right now and start your online blogging journey.
Again, if you’re learning how to become a blogger, bear in mind it’s the content creation part that can be a little tricky.
Regardless, the rewards far outweigh the risks.
Like all aspects of life, there will be obstacles along the way.
But if you have a passion for blogging and sharing your thoughts with the world, this is the job for you.
Use BiQ Cloud tools to help you create great content today and amass even more traffic than you thought possible.