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Top 7 SEO Writing Assistant Tools: Best For Content Marketing

Whether you’re trying to write a blog, compose an email, write a book, or craft a social media post, there are tons of writing software out there that is helpful. If you want to make sure your website has high SEO content, you will also need to gain an SEO writing assistant in your hand.

You will learn:

  • The importance of SEO writing and SEO writing assistant
  • Basic steps to create SEO content
  • Top 7 tools you can use to create SEO content
  • Tips to create better and higher quality content

Every piece of content has the chance to perform better than others at any given time as long as it is done with quality SEO. Thus, one of the easiest ways to drive more traffic and improve search engine rankings is to start with SEO writing.

However, writing content that comes with high-quality SEO is not always easy. There are a number of elements you need to consider, like keywords, links, meta description, semantic analysis, etc. 

SEO writing assistant is available for marketers to simplify the content-creating process. In this article, you will not only learn about the SEO writing process but also know the top tools for your business.

What you need to know about SEO writing:

What is it? 

Generally, SEO writing is a way to create a written form of content. The difference is that it is the implementation of keywords and key phrases within web content. So the search engines can easily see what the content relates to and whether it is of high quality.

That allows the search engine to crawl content easier and judge it more favorably. As a result, it will be given a better placement in the SERP.

Why is it important?

SEO writing is done to improve content ranking on Google. The top-ranking page gets the most search traffic 49% of the time. When your content is not optimized, it will only appear several pages back in a search.

Writing for SEO is also important because it is a marketing technique that keeps going at the lifespan of your website.

What is an SEO writing assistant? 

Good content writing SEO tools will support you with the keyword research and take most of the guesswork out of the creation process 

SEO writing assistant guides you on how to optimize your content in the best possible way while you are writing. You will be provided with internal links suggestions, tips to improve readability, check for plagiarism, and also optimize your articles for search engine visibility. By using SEO writing assistant tools, you can also do keyword research, check for your SEO quality and the use of keywords.

Basic steps to create SEO content:

Before going to the steps of how to create SEO-qualified content, you need to make sure you understand some of the common terms of SEO, such as ALT text, anchor, keyword density, LSI, Meta tags, etc. 

If you do not know, kindly read this: 50 SEO Terms Every Marketer Should Know

#1. Identify keywords and key phrases that need to be optimized

You can start writing by doing keyword research. Finding the right keywords will get you thousands of visits per month while creating a piece of content that no one will read, will sabotage your effort

You can use keyword research tools that provide you with a list of keywords and data, such as:

  • BiQ Keyword Intelligence
  • LSIGraph

Using these tools is also very simple, you just need to enter the keywords or topic ideas into the tools and you will get keyword suggestions. The tool can even show you the search volume, trend, competition, CPC, and top content for the keywords.

There are one point you need to know when doing keyword research:

  • Competitor keyword gap analysis is one of the great ways to find the best keyword.

If you do not know clearly about the keyword gap finding process, you can read this article: SEO Competitor Analysis: A complete guide you need to know

#2. Determine what searchers really want to know

Determining search intent has recently become the most important thing in keyword research.

Search intent is the reason behind each user’s search. It can be some questions, like why do they search for that keyword? What are the users looking to answer? Or are they looking for the definition of the word, or things to buy?

Understanding the search intent leads to on-point content. A content that matches with what the user wants will keep them on the page longer.

#3. Create post topic

Through step 1 and step 2, you have identified the focus keywords and search intent of the searcher with that keyword. At this point, you need to build a list of article topics and choose the most suitable.

To create a topic for your article, you can rely on the knowledge of your work field, discussions on the internet or social networking forums.

#4. Build a content framework suitable for search intent

An SEO standard article is an article that satisfies the user’s search intent. Not only that, your article needs to provide more useful information than other results. So before embarking on in-depth content editing, you need to outline the main content framework to select the best information for the reader.

Each search intent has a different way to best optimize the content, so you must know how to find these ways.

You can create a content framework by thoroughly researching your competitors’ articles and then building a new content framework with more useful topics.

#5. In-depth content editing

After step 4, you can certainly start editing and creating great articles. Try to carefully explain the main ideas you’ve created in the body.

Don’t be afraid to write long content for fear that no one will read it. It is claimed that a long article with more than 2000 words is often ranked higher than an article with only 500 or 700 words. The average content length of the top position Google article contains 2,416 words.

Thus, the Google Panda 4.1 algorithm update was placed to reward longer, more informative content and to penalize thin content. Shorter pages may simply not have enough complexity for the current algorithms. Creating longer content allows your content to be more comprehensive than similar pages on the SERPs.

Top 7 SEO writing assistant tools

#1. BiQ Content Intelligence

BiQ is a comprehensive suite for marketers to do SEO work. One of the four main features – Content Intelligence helps you optimize your content with the highest quality data-driven insights.

BiQ Content Intelligence can detect content problems that are hindering your content from ranking high in the SERP. You will also receive AI-guided content optimization steps. The guide you receive are suggestions in order to create the best content for your website.

BiQ Content Intelligence - SEO writing assistant

What more, you can discover the ingredients to outrank your organic competitors. You will get customized metrics to the perfect word count, keyword density, related keywords, and much more through the dashboard.

BiQ Content Intelligence - SEO writing assistant

The tool shows recommendations for a content strategy based on the integration and advanced analysis of multiple intelligence sources. Here are what you can do with the tool:

  • Content Editor: You may choose to do your writing in the tool, and pre-publishing preparations. If you already have published content, you can also use BiQ to optimize for better results.
  • Relevancy: This shows how relevant your content is to the targeted keyword.
  • Sentiment analysis: You will have your content graded into 9 categories: Analytical, Joy, Fear, Tentative, Angry, Sadness, Confident, and No tone.
  • Readability rater: This will tell you how easy it is to read your content
  • Word Vector: BiQ will analyze and improve your content relevance against the top 10 rankings.
BiQ's SEO writing assistant has word vector feature

#2. GDocs SEO Assistant

You can then optimize your content based on the suggestions given. GDoc helps online marketers, writers, and bloggers to analyze and boost the SEO value of the content. It strengthens your SEO efforts by providing data on your keywords, including trends, search volume, and competition

Also, its Related Keyword feature helps you improve your content’s semantic relevance.

GDoc’s key features include SEO score which informs you how well you’ve optimized your content and the SEO Suggestion feature. 

  • SEO Score – instantly know how well optimized your content is.
  • SEO Suggestion – receive real-time suggestions to optimize your content.
  • Related Keyword – improves the semantic relevancy of your content.
  • Keyword Data – make better SEO decisions with search volume, trend, and competition.

#3. SEMRush

SEMRush Writing Assistant gathers data and provides recommendations based on the top 10 ranking pages for your chosen keywords in a given location.

Source: SEMRush

With SEMRush, you can check your writing in real-time. It supports Google Docs and WordPress. Hence, you can install its add-on or plugin respectively.

This tool checks four major SEO criteria including keyword optimization (SEO), readability, originality, and tone of voice. It works relatively fast in delivering results. SEMRush will check that they are well-distributed and also recommend related keywords to you.

#4. SEOPressor

With SEOPressor, you can easily improve your on-page SEO. You can rank better with advanced google-emulating. The instant feedback and optimization suggestions from SEOPressor can improve your on-page SEO signals. It also keeps you on the safe side by preventing unnatural & over-optimization. 

SEOPressor can be installed as a plugin in your WordPress, making it much more convenient to edit the content.

SEOPressor - SEO writing assistant

SEOPressor gathers the most essential SEO intels of your website and presents them all in one place. You can skip the need to go through ten different analytics just to see what’s wrong.

The tool is also like a comprehensive semantic builder, which can guide you on all the most important markup standards in your content.

Empowered by LSIGraph, SEOPressor helps you untap the power of semantic keywords. A built-in Semantic Analytic is designed to tell if your content is semantically related to your keywords; thus, suggests a list of semantic keywords for you to replace.

#5. Rank Math

Source: Rank Math

The software uses widely accepted best SEO practices to analyze and optimize your writing. Rank Math checks both basic and advanced SEO.

At the basic level, you can add focus and sub keywords. The tool then checks where these keywords are featured in your writing. Advanced SEO checks your keyword in image alt attributes, subheadings, keyword density, and links to name a few.

Rank Math also analyses your content length. Short content hardly ranks on search engines. The tool will tell you whether you need to write more or not.

#5. Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO provides you the guidelines based on top-performing pages. You can gain valuable insights into the ideal word count for your content. You are also able to get optimized AI content, unique paragraphs categorized into the proper headers which you can tailor to match your tone and voice. Then just simply copy-paste to your article, saving both time and energy.

Source: Surfer SEO

In the Exact Keywords and Partial Keywords section, you have all the information about the main keyword density and how the keywords are related. They help you have the right optimization direction for the content production process.

However, it possesses many outstanding features compared to other plug-in tools. Therefore, to make the most of the utility that Surfer SEO brings, you have to pay an amount of money every year.

#6. SEO Review Tool

SEO Review Tools features a free Content Analysis tool and SEO Content Assistant/Editor. The Content Assistant is the ideal writing assistant but the Content Analysis tool is just as useful.

You can write your web content directly in the Content Editor. On the right side is a tab for SEO optimization. You get options to add focus keywords, related keywords, and synonyms.

SEO Review Tools also features a keyword research tool. Hence, you may not need a third-party tool to generate keywords. Also, you can easily transfer your keywords to the Content Assistant.

#7. LSIGraph Semantic Writer

LSIGraph is the leading semantic and contextual SEO tool to help you easily find the best semantic keywords for your content.

One of LSIGraph’s most useful keyword research features is its Opportunity Score, which uses LSIGraph’s proprietary algorithm to show you keywords you can easily rank for with the least amount of effort.

Besides finding you the most profitable keywords, LSIGraph also shows you how top-ranking pages are structuring their content with LSIGraph SERP Analyzer so you can emulate them. 

LSIGraph’s Semantic Writer is an SEO-writing tool that analyzes your content for SEO in real-time as you write it, and provides suggestions on how you could improve your content’s SEO.

4 Tips for better SEO writing

#1. Write for humans: 

First and foremost, you must know your audience and write for them. If you sound too robotic or are keyword-stuffed, readers will leave the sites fast and fewer sites will want to link to you.

You need to remember, SEO writing assistant is just a tool plugged in the website. So sometimes there are suggested modifications on your content that don’t really fit or change your original purpose. So don’t trust the tool too much!

#2. Write clear headings & subheadings

Second rules: Write heading that is clear, interesting and makes use of rich keywords. No matter how narrow your topic is, it can be broken up with subheadings. This also allows you to have your keywords where they are prominent.

Subheadings help to break up the text, and they make it easier for readers to find exactly the information they are looking for as people often just skim your content for the information they want.

Including keywords in your headers is a key SEO tactic as well, so frame your article structure around which keywords and topics are most relevant and useful to the reader.

#3. Don’t forget the meta description

One of the most important elements of SEO copywriting is nailing metadata. Every piece of content needs meta tags and a meta description. This allows search engines to display a short description of the content you created. It helps tell the story of what your content is about and how it should be presented in SERPs.

You also need a title tag that will be displayed as the title of the page. This should be no longer than about 70 characters. The meta description should be no longer than 160 characters. 

If you aren’t up on basic HTML, learn some of the basics so that you can create these valuable pieces for your content.

#4. Add visual, add picture

People are attracted to eye-catching visuals. Adding an image along with your blog post can make a big impression. In addition to promoting your blogs across your other social media channels, posts with images can add another avenue for traffic to your website.


Writing content can be difficult most of the time. But if you don’t optimize your articles for SEO, your website will have a lot of difficulties in reaching potential customers. 
SEO writing assistant is a helpful tool for better content. You can try out some of these top tools like BiQ Content Intelligence, GDocs SEO Assistant, SEMRush, SEOPressor, Rank Math, Surfer SEO, or SEO Review Tool.

About Claire Le
A dog lover and a travelholic. Interested in digital marketing and content creating.