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12 Ways To Source For New Content Ideas

Search engines are getting better at indexing and ranking content. Therefore, it's crucial to have new content ideas that have relevance and quality. Here are 12 ways to source for new content ideas.

You probably already know that your entire online marketing strategies revolve around your convergence of content, social, and search.

And quality content is the dominant piece of this puzzle.

Every content marketer’s goal always is to create quality content that represents their brand and draws in the right target audience.

Not to mention how highly Google rates original, high-quality, valuable, and grammatically correct content.

As new search engine algorithms roll out every year, people’s demand for high-quality and consistent content becomes stronger.

People often ask, “How do you come up with new content ideas for your blog posts?”

I’m here to answer this particular question in the best way possible.

12 Ways To Source New Content Ideas

As you can already imagine, coming up with new ideas for content writing isn’t an easy task.

Gone are the days when you’d draft large amounts of poor-quality content, stuff keywords in it, publish, then wait to rank high in the SERPs.

how to plan ideas for content writing

Google’s algorithms have become too smart for such black hat SEO tricks.

However, while creating great content isn’t quite as easy, practicing good habits can make a lot of difference.

I’ve compiled the following content ideas to get you in the right books with Google and other major search engines when learning how to come up with content ideas.

Oh, and most of these strategies work best when used collaboratively.

1. BiQ Keyword Intelligence

Determining the target keyword you intend to use in your content is perhaps the most important aspect of content creation.

After all, your content will be based on a focused keyword.

BiQ Keyword Intelligence is an excellent tool for helping users find new content ideas that quickly make amazing blog posts.

With Keyword Intelligence, you’ll always have the right content and information your readers are searching for online, making them come back to visit your website for more.

Simply enter your focus keyword or phrase in the BiQ’s Keyword Analyzer tool.

BiQ will then list all the best content ideas to consider writing about that will prove a hit. Both search engines and users will react favorably, improving your rankings and site visibility plus clicks respectively.

Keyword Intelligence also offers a set of vital metrics you can use to determine the best content topics to focus on more.

2. Google Search Suggestions Or Related Searches

Another excellent place to find excellent new content ideas is none other than Google itself.

Assuming you’ve already got a topic you intend to write about in mind.

Searching for it on Google is probably one of the easiest strategies to find amazing topic ideas for your post.

For example, you’re looking for content suggestions on “content ideas.”

Simply type and search for the phrase on Google, then see the suggested topics that come up.

related searches for content ideas

All of these suggestions could be great topics to cover for your content ideas post.

You could also tweak them a little to make your topic more unique and relatable to your audience.

Ideally, you’ll want to make Google your best friend.

Especially when it comes to search suggestions and other related searches below the search page.

What makes this an effective strategy is that you already have an idea of what topic type you plan to write about and is relevant to your audience.

Google simply nudges you to have a bias towards a topic that makes more sense to your audience.

BiQ Keyword Intelligence also makes it easier to look for long-tail keywords to help you find more ideas for content writing.

While on the Keyword Intelligence portal, you’ll find a list of keywords related to your long-tail keywords.

The platform also makes it easier for users to sort keywords based on their value.

With this data, you can be creative and craft better optimized and relevant content for your target audience.

3. Google Images Tags

It’s amazing how not so many people have heard of Google Images before, or how to access this handy Google tool.

So, first, let’s get you to Google Images.

It should look something like this.

ideas for content writing - google images

Google has a reputation for suggesting topics related to different topic ideas in tags when you search in the Google Images platform.

You’ll be provided with multiple tags suggested by Google Images.

These will include terms Google considers to be closely related to your searched phrase.

It’s another simple but ingenious strategy to find new content ideas for your content.

4. Industry Interviews

If you want to find the best content ideas that your audience will relate to easily, your industry is probably the perfect source.

Otherwise, how else would you know the content type your audience expects from you?

Simply asking your audience the content type to offer them is a more direct and more effective strategy to avail what they want.

You can conduct industry interviews to determine their habits, behaviors, and interests by interviewing them.

Just find creative ways to get your interviewers talking about what pique’s their interests and what they enjoy reading when they click on your web page.

You’d be surprised at how interesting some of your audience’s statements can be.

You must also remember to record these interviews, so you can refer to them later when creating your content.

Most interviews often contain ideas and topics that are relevant to your industry.

Better yet, you’ll be giving your audience exactly what they asked for in their interviews.

5. Competitors’ Websites

Sure, there comes a time when you may have absolutely no idea what to write about.

When this happens, you can always check your competitors’ blogs and articles.

It’s one of the most effective strategies to find relevant content and topics in bunches related to your industry.

Remember, we’re only telling you to check your competitors’ websites for inspiration, not steal or plagiarize their content and topics.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with using their concepts and titles to generate ideas for your own posts.

While looking through their posts, you’ll find several ideas of content types you hadn’t thought of writing yet.

You’ll also have a huge advantage since you’ll be able to identify points of error in your competitors’ posts and capitalize on them to make your content better.

You can also compare other aspects of their websites to yours to see whether there are any areas you need to improve on.

Skim through their comments section to see if you can find even more content ideas buried there.

BiQ Rank Intelligence allows you to find content ideas from your competitors by providing critical data regarding the content gap between you and your competitor’s website.

With BiQ’s Rank Intelligence, you can narrow down the content gap between your website and another well-performing competitor.

BiQ’s Rank Intelligence will present you with keyword ranking data your competitors use to rank.

You can then use the same keywords and CSV parameters from your competitors for your own URL to improve your rank and visibility in the SERPs.

6. Quora

sourcing quora for content ideas

Quora is one of the first places most content marketers visit when looking for inspiration for content titles and ideas.

It’s a huge platform used by millions of users to ask questions about just about everything under the sun.

The platform will provide you with the best possible answers regarding your searched content.

In other instances, the results may be other related questions that you can then turn into potential content ideas.

7. Podcasts

Podcasts are another underrated strategy for finding great content ideas.

It’s also very easy to start and manage podcasts, making them an excellent tool for finding new content ideas in your niche.

If you looked through most podcasts being released almost every day, you’ll probably find more content ideas than you’d initially hoped for.

Just a few seconds into the podcast, and you will have some solid topic ideas to create great content.

You may also want to check the podcast titles and description for inspirations for new content.

The chances are you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for, if not more.

8. YouTube Videos

From the looks of it, it seems like almost all businesses have a YouTube profile.

Besides being a hub for billions of videos, YouTube is also a hub of new content ideas and resources to capitalize on during this process.

Ideally, you’ll want to treat YouTube like you’d treat Google or any other major search engine.

As you key in your subjects in the search bar, you’ll see almost ten new suggestions you can use to create content.

youtube video content ideas

If you look at the image above, the original search was “How to make American Lasagna.”

However, if you look at the other video options on the right sidebar of the video you’re watching, you will also find a recipe for pizza and an option for ground beef and casseroles.

These are all suitable new content you can use to post fresh topics and even fresher content ideas for your target audience.

Besides finding new topic ideas based on YouTube video titles, you can also watch some of the content in these videos to get some inspiration within the content.

You’d be amazed at how many ideas for content writing you will find in a single video that’s related to your industry.

9. Data And Statistics

If you’re keen on industry-related news and events, then you probably have data related to your brand somewhere in your content catalog.

Write about it.

You mustn’t necessarily be the one who conducted the original study, although that would make your content even better.

However, the message we’re passing in this section is that you can actually use new data and statistics about your niche to write about a subject.

For instance, if you’re in the fashion industry, then come across this image.

source ideas for content writing from data

There are only about a hundred topics you can derive from this post.

You can use this study to probe further into fashion trends that don’t necessarily require you to wear a tie.

Maybe you share brilliant tricks about how to wear your tie loosely with your top shirt button unfastened.

What if you shared a video tutorial guiding your audience on how to wear a tie properly so it isn’t fastened too tight around their neck?

If you can derive all these ideas from a single picture, facts, and statistics, imagine what you could do if you probed further.

10. Internal Website Search Queries

internal website search for new content ideas

You never know what you’ll find or inspirations that might come up while going through some of your old content.

Don’t forget about your previously written content either.

Something as simple as reworking on your previous titles can help you create newer and fresher posts from different angles.

This can also apply if some of your old posts have outdated research and data.

Simply write a fresh post with updated information.

After all, it’s your original content.

Visitors on your blog page might be looking for updated content that you might not have published yet, which should give you even more reason to do an internal website search query.

11. Blog Comments

This strategy never gets old.

Reviewing your readers’ comments is one of the best strategies to come up with new content ideas.

Then again, you should develop this habit even when not trying to find new ideas for content writing.

The comments section allows you to communicate and interact with your readers on a more personal level.

You get to know their thoughts on your content pieces, what they liked about it, what they didn’t like, what you can improve on, etc.

Such comments can also be a great inspiration source for new content ideas.

12. News

Google News is particularly a great source you can use to find the latest stories and trends around your industry, your local area, nation, and the globe.

You can search for your industry on this amazing Google tool to find the latest discussions and hot trends.

Depending on your brand, it may not be prudent to report breaking news, especially if it won’t convey your message properly to your audience.

If it doesn’t fit your brand image, don’t use it.

Still, that shouldn’t exempt you from looking up local events or national trends related to your industry.

Who knows?

You might just find a few right content ideas to kickstart your new fresh posts.


What you’ve read so far shows that coming up with new content ideas for blogs isn’t as difficult as most people put it.

You just need to find the right angle and know how to apply it in your writing.

Everything else will fall into place afterward.

There are several resources you can use to find great ideas for content writing.

You simply need to find them and know how best to take advantage of them.

That’s what this guide is for.

Do you have your own ways of coming up with new content?

Share them with me in the comments section below.

I’d love to hear from you!

About Ken
A coffee aficionado who's fascinated with the world of digital marketing and SEO. When he's free, he'll be chasing plastic discs out on a field.