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8 Best SERP Tracker Tools To Use In 2022

best serp tracker

There is no better way of tracking your business website performance than using a useful SERP tracker tool. Here are the 8 best SERP tracker tools to use in 2021.

The Internet has become a fundamental basis of evolution in all areas of life.

From education, health care, eCommerce to government institutions, operations revolve around digitized approaches.

With search engines flooded with information, stiff competition has erupted as companies battle for better rankings in SERP. 

There is no better way of tracking your online business performance than using a useful SERP tracker tool.

There is an excellent need for marketers to keep an eye on their site rankings and SEO presence.

From SEO results, marketers can adjust their strategies for their businesses success.

From these analyses, businesses may flourish with increased visits and higher SEO ranking.

Follow me as we probe on the eight best SERP trackers!

8 Best SERP Tracker Tools

1. Rank Tracking by BiQ


SEO success starts with choosing the best keywords that generate traffic to your site and rank high on SERP.

BiQ concentrates on working around keywords.

From research to content creation, they focus on using correct keywords that lead to better business ranking. 

BiQ’s Rank Tracking is one of the best SERP tracker tool when you want to track your site’s SEO status real fast.

With a modified system that minimizes manual keyword inputs, there is more efficiency through the automated tracking procedure. 

BiQ Rank Tracking starts from a simple registration.

Through the process, the platform monitors your business’s SEO position daily.

You can access all your SERP results through the created profile.

The main advantage of using Rank Tracking is that you only pay for what you use.

With prices categorized on customer’s needs, you can get daily tracking updates, add keywords to the tracker, obtain a PDF report, and many others.

Also, the pricing model allows one to upgrade to the next level as demands grow.

BiQ’s Rank Tracking also allows you to keep a rank tracking profile of your competitors.

You can do this by creating a new profile using your competitors’ URL.

By using this approach, you may get a clearer picture of your competitors’ strategies and learn how to improve your weak points without deflating your strong points. 

When you incorporate Rank Tracking with BiQ’s Rank Intelligence, it helps you recognize the pages and keywords that you get ranked for, including metrics information.

This allows you to make informed decisions in a competitive business arena.

You can also track your competitors’ rankings with BiQ Rank Intelligence.

Simply create a profile by using your competitor’s URL.

You’ll be presented with all the keyword ranking data from your competitor’s page.

You can then filter through the data according to your needs and create content based on your competitor’s keywords that they are ranking for.

Additionally, you may pick some of your competitor’s strong points and adapt them to your own.

Click here to learn more about how you can perform an SEO competitive analysis.

2. AccuRanker for Best SERP Tracker

serp tracker tool accuranker

Originally from Denmark, this brand claims to be the most accurate and fastest SERP rank tracker.

With more than 25,000 customers, AccuRanker gives in-depth analysis and updated data at an incredible speed.

By in-depth analysis, we mean that it divides and filters your data to allow the ‘organize your data’ view. 

From there, you can distribute insights to your team for them to make wise and data-driven conclusions.

Additionally, the cloud-based feature enables users to observe their keyword performance from any corner of the universe. 

By offering the flexibility of using mobile devices or desktops to view SERP results, it puts organizations in control while enabling agility against competitors.

This makes AccuRanker a favorite choice for professionals and SEO agencies. 

Another AccuRanker strong point is the aspect of giving SERP history.

The brand achieves this by building an organic presence through different SERP features on Google.

Thus, business owners understand better which SERP features help drive traffic to their sites and the way forward.

Other benefits include measuring the impact of SEO strategies and restructuring keyword data with AccuRanker landing page features and tag cloud.

Consequently, with flexible payment plans, the platform manages to attract users from all walks of life.

The most popular plans include expert, enterprise, and professional. 

3. SEMrush Position Tracking

SEMrush serp rank tracker

SEMrush is one of the best SERP trackers with more than 6 million followers.

Mostly, they deal with marketers who want to deliver supreme work effectively.

Position Tracking keeps businesses in touch about any fluctuations in their SEO rankings. 

Currently, they support all kinds of organizations to optimize their SEO presence across key platforms.

Also, they guide on how to come up with engaging content for the audience.

Position Tracking enables the detection of business expansion opportunities. 

Additionally, it allows users to run tracking experiments for accurate results.

SEMrush SERP tracker tool allows the user to track their SEO progress while monitoring competitors’ performance.

You may filter through them to get the definite keywords that activate your SERP characteristics from the report given. 

serp tracker semrush

On the SERP tracker landing page, you may identify the best performing page of a distinct domain.

As a result, it is easier to evaluate the keywords related to that page.

For a successful Position Tracking process, settle on a domain or a subdomain at a time. 

4. SERP Checker by SE Ranking

se ranking serp rank tracker

This Ukrainian platform stands out among the best performing rack tracker for SERP tracking avenues. It offers flexibility by allowing check rankings in different languages and countries. SERP Checker monitors ranking in various search engines like Bing, Yahoo, YouTube, and Google. 

It gives results through desktop or mobile services. It also monitors Google maps and tracks competitor’s sites at no extra charge. The main advantage is that it allows one to include up to five competitors’ sites and check their rankings for search engines and target keywords. 

Subsequently, it ensures that the user discovers and monitors close to ten competitors and provides a complete list of your SERP rivals. 

se ranking serp checker

With an all-inclusive reporting facility, SERP Checker makes use of the agency name or logo to pick a module to add to the results. There is also an option of receiving reports either automatically or manually. 

SERP Checker users enjoy a flexible payment plan such as Enterprise, Discount Plus, Discount Optimum, Daily, and weekly rates. These prices depend on each organization’s keyword needs. 

5. Rank Tracking by Serpstat

As one of the top SERP rank tracker from Ukraine, it has close to 100,000 active users. Serpstat has a definitive algorithm system investigating SERPS while saving data in about 100 domains for each keyword. Currently, you can find out how your site ranks in Yandex and Google.

Best SERP Tracker - Serpstat

The brand plans to spread out to other platforms like Bing and Yahoo. Using this platform, there is an added advantage of tracking in any country and using the language of your choice.

The SERP tracker offers unlimited keyword tracking daily. As a result, it ensures that you get new data while monitoring your competitor’s performance. This becomes possible through track dynamics, where one can define a competitor’s categories. For instance, if you categorize your competition as ‘Laptops’, your SERP results may give you a ranking of other businesses in that grouping. 

The efficiency of this tracking tool allows general membership at no extra cost. The only thing expected for you is to issue your customers with personal logins to ease reports.

6. Pro Rank Tracker

Pro Rank Tracker - SERP Rank Tracking Software

This is a cost-effective SERP rank tracker with more than 60,000 users. Operating for over five years, the brand has witnessed constant upgrading. Through the transformation process, Pro Rank has adapted some of the finest SERP tracking features. 

For that reason, it has become a powerhouse in ranking tracking and the entire SEO business. Pro Rank users range from website owners, SEOs, SEQs, enterprises, huge agencies to SMEs. The cloud-based app ensures access to any corner of the universe. 

There is no installation or download needed to allow tracking. As a result, the platform can check up to the top 100 SERP results for your keywords. Also, you can get 30 SERP results on your mobile devices. With daily automatic updates, you can view a competitor’s performance and your historical data as well. 

serp tracker - pro rank tracker

Some of the leading search engines you can use Pro Rank tracker include Yahoo, Bing, Google, YouTube, and Amazon. By using this tracking tool, there is no risk to your site as it guarantees data privacy. It also offers a massive list of supported search engines and features at minimal rates. 

This makes it a preferred choice by bloggers, eCommerce sites, website owners, affiliate marketers, global enterprises, and many others. Some of its powerful tools and features include advanced reports, keyword suggestions, PRT mobile APP, rating discovery, agency plans, and bulk adding.

7. Rank Tracker by Ahrefs

Ahref’s Rack Tracker for SERP rank tracking helps users monitor their ranking on mobile and desktop devices across 170 nations. You only need to input your keywords, various countries per keyword, and competitor’s URLs through an easy setup.

serp tracker tool - ahrefs rank tracker

From there, Ahref starts the tracking process and continues giving regular results. By using Ahref’s Rank Tracker, you manage to get information on various features. This includes shopping results, thumbnails, featured snippets, site links, image pack, top stories, videos, knowledge panel, a tweet box, AdWords top, AdWords bottom, and others. 

It also visualizes your keywords list with tags and filters. For an effective process, you need to zoom in on your data using different handy filters. To get an advanced view of the ranking process, you can group your keywords by tags.

From there, Ahref tracker amasses your data and illustrates performance by tag. This tracking brand compares your site ranking with up to ten business rivals. Then, it gives reports on three main areas; search engine, ranking progress, and SERP features. 

From the reports given, one may get insights on the pages and sites that compete for SEO traffic from your list of keywords. In most cases, this platform uses data from around 100 search rankings for each of your keywords. 

In the process, you get deeper insights into your updated vital metrics on your keywords. Moreover, you can receive regular email reports indicating significant changes in your keyword SEO status. This comes along with a model of achieved and lost SERP features with performance data on your tags.

8. SERPWatcher by Mangools

serpwatcher mangools - serp tracker tool

SERPWatcher tracking tool gives daily rankings in a record of 30 seconds. The principal SERP tracker from Mangools leads users to monitor their site’s day-by-day ranking and view them in the SERP previews. In the process, you also receive head ups on all significant tracking changes through your email. 

SERPWatcher allows users to observe how their site performs through the SERP’s performance index. The primary purpose of any rank tracking is to identify the organic traffic beneficial to your website. SERPWatcher’s performance index gives results based on the search engines and current keyword status. 

They also give locality and device-based results. That means that they monitor rankings in any setting and using any device, mobile, or desktop. Currently, this rank tracking company has an over 52,000 presence in different states, countries, DMAs, and cities on any device. In these areas, SERPWatcher also monitors historical data in different time frames. 

Another significant advantage of using this platform is the interactive report and alerts characteristic. From this feature, a business lets the team members and customers view a site ranking simultaneously. Also, the event-based reports and scheduled alerts keep everyone updated on the critical changes in a site. 

Final Words

There are various SERP tracker tools in the market. Before settling on one, you should consider the ranking reports given, cost, and quantity of keywords they monitor. Keep in mind that based on your budget, you can get a rank tracking tool that may give you daily, weekly or monthly updates.

All in all, ensure that your choice precisely monitors your SERP features movements and positions in various locations, devices, and search engines.  Inevitably, your SERP reports may guide you on how to increase traffic that may lead to better conversions

My personal favorite SERP tracker tool to use is definitely Rank Tracking by BiQ. It comes in handy especially when you pair it with BiQ Rank Intelligence’s features. This combination conveniently pinpoints the best keywords for your brand and monitors your presence in the SEO engines at ease.

Try it out here!

About Ken
A coffee aficionado who's fascinated with the world of digital marketing and SEO. When he's free, he'll be chasing plastic discs out on a field.