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Free vs. Paid Content – What Do You Need to Know?

Free content is what you share in your live videos, podcasts, blog posts, etc. free. You use free content to share examples of what you are offering or teaching as it allows your target audience to connect and relate with you. People can access this type of content without spending a cent. It is information […]

The Best Productivity Tools for Marketers in 2022

Being productive in any work environment doesn’t happen by accident. It results from your commitment to excellence, planning, intelligence, and consistent effort to excel in your work. However, this isn’t possible without using countless productivity tools and apps to make work easier around the office space. The business world has become so competitive that you […]

Does Repurposing Content Work? Here’s A Data-Backed Answer

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Content is King,” doing rounds all over the internet since you decided to do SEO. Well, this doesn’t mean that you need to keep publishing blogs to make a superpower website. Not exactly. Over time, even the most perfectly-curated blog posts become stale. They won’t have the SEO capacity they […]

What is Interactive Content & How to Use It in Your Business?

Learn why interactive content is the future. Over the years, there’s been a litany of sources claiming that the human attention span is declining, putting humans somewhere below the supposedly absent-minded goldfish. But if you come to think about it for a second. If our attention span lasts only about 8 seconds, then how are […]

8 Best Keyword Tools for Youtube SEO

YouTube is the second largest search engine globally, after Google. YouTube has lots of opportunities that could help you reach out to a massive audience. However, the platform can be quite competitive. If you want to be successful, you’ll need to develop viable strategies that set you ahead of your competitors. You’ll also need tools […]

Get More Quality Leads: How A Content Management System Can Help

Learn the best Content Management System (CMS) and why you’ll need it in your marketing strategies. As a business owner, you have heard a lot of acronyms. SERP, SEO, CRM, CMS, and CDN are just some of the most important ones. However, CRM is more important, especially because half of the websites on the internet […]

What is a Content Gap Analysis and How to Do It Right

Almost everyone’s doing content marketing. Big and small businesses, B2Bs, and B2Cs all now have online websites populated with blog posts, articles, or videos. As you can see, that would make a pretty significant number of data produced every day.  According to Techjury’s report, that’s over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being created every single […]

How To Double Blog Traffic (Without creating new content)

Content Reoptimization: The Secret to Double Blog Traffic and Leads Struggling to get blog traffic even if you are already posting regularly? Getting traffic to your blog is super important when you are trying to generate leads. However, with so many website traffic strategies online, it can get pretty confusing about which one actually works. […]

Why and How You Should Use SEO Keyword Research Tools

93% of all online experiences start with search engines. According to opinion master, 75% of users never scroll past the first page. This is where you need to be to redirect maximum targeted traffic to your website. It would be best if you captured target audiences as they made search queries. To do this, you’ll […]

Content Optimization: 5 Ways to Reoptimize Old Content

Is your underperforming content worth re-optimizing? If yes, then how should you be doing content optimization? Read on to find out! Nowadays, SEO is all about the contents, right? Over 4 million blog posts are published online every day, and unfortunately, not every piece of content created is going to be a winner. Somehow every […]