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Rank Intelligence: Unlock the Potential of Your Keyword Rankings

Rank Intelligence_ Uncover the Full Potential of Your Keyword Rankings

The problem with most rank checker tools is that they provide you with inaccurate data. With Rank Intelligence, you can get all the insights that you need from your keyword ranking.

Keyword ranking alone doesn’t mean anything. Find out how Keyword Intelligence can get you other insights to fully uncover its potential.

The reason why you use SEO as a marketing strategy is to get your site to rank higher on Google and generate organic traffic to it.

That’s why you’ve spent so much time and resources doing keyword research and crafting the perfect content for your audience. 

However, here’s the question – Do you even know which position your site is being ranked on Google for the specific keywords?

If you want to check your keyword ranking, don’t just “Google it” and scroll on each page to find where exactly your site is being ranked. If you have hundreds of keywords, then good luck with that. 

So, you need to check your keyword ranking with a rank checker tool. However, let me warn you that not all rank checker tools will show you the insights that you need to uncover the full potential of your keyword ranking. 

Most rank checker tools can’t keep up with Google

I’ve been using lots of rank checker tools out there and each tool has its own unique feature. But here’s the common problem with most rank checker tools out there:


Rank accuracy

Google has changed a lot this past decade.

Back then, we could get lots of information about the specific keywords including search volumes with any rank checker tool. Everything changed when Google released an update that encrypts its search features to protect the personal information of users. 

That was the beginning of the end for marketers that relied on rank checker tools. They can no longer see what keywords people were using and the results Google sends back for a particular search query. 

After that, Google released another update to modify search volume results in their keyword tool to start giving estimated figures instead of the actual volume. Check out the image below done by Rand Fishkin from Moz.

biq seo suite rank intelligence find keywords that you didn't know you're ranked for

If you searched for the term “types of light” on Google’s Keyword Planner Tool, it will give you average monthly searchers between 10,000 to 100,000, which really don’t tell you much. 

Don’t forget that Google will skew your results based on locations and browser history too.

Traditional rank checker tools that rely on the data from the Keyword Planner Tool will not give you the accurate insights that you need.

Changes like these have forced marketers to think that it’s impossible to check keyword ranking and stop using it as a metric to measure SEO performance.

And because of that, a lot of SEO agencies started to disregard keyword ranking as a performance metric and they began to market themselves as content marketers or inbound marketing agencies. 

So How Should We Measure Keyword Ranking Nowadays?

No matter what the changes made by Google, keyword ranking still matters!

They mattered before and they still mattered today.

Keyword ranking tells you a lot about your SEO performance. They tell you what SEO techniques still work (and what doesn’t), how does the ranking impact your traffic and etc.

All you need to have is the right rank checker tool to check your rankings on Google.

Here are 5 features that make a rank checker tool stand out from the rest today:

1. Getting insights other than just keyword ranking

Nowadays, keyword ranking alone doesn’t necessarily tell you much about your SEO performance. Let’s say you got rank 1 on Google on a specific keyword – awesome! But are we getting any traffic from it? Do people actually search for this keyword?

Thanks to Google trying to hide the information in the name of privacy, we don’t know if the users are searching for the targeted keyword or some related keywords to reach us.

Knowing other SEO metrics such as traffic and the keywords that users are searching for to reach us will tell us more about our SEO performance if we pair them with keyword ranking.

2. Ability to check local results

Location, location, location.

One of the most significant updates that Google has made over the last decade is the ability to show results based on a user’s current location.

For example, you are searching for a “hotel near me” in New York on Google and you will get a list of websites about different hotels based on your current location. Now try that in a different location, let’s say New Jersey, obviously, the results won’t be the same.

For multi-location brands, it is important to find out the keyword rankings based on the exact location that you’re at. 

A good rank checker tool will help to target localized areas to reduce the skewness of Google results thus providing more accurate data for you to analyze.

3. Finding out which keywords ended up on Position Zero

Position Zero (or commonly known as a featured snippet) is the term used to describe the snippet box at the top of Google SERPs.

Google first introduced Position Zero as an effort to deliver the most relevant answer to a user’s search query. The information contained in this box includes a summary of the answer, page title, picture, and the URL of the webpage. 

rank intelligence position zero featured snippet

Since it is located above the first organic ranking on the SERP, marketers have begun to optimize their content to aim for a spot at Position Zero to gain more traffic from the users.

4. Ability to pull your data instantly

Everything is about getting things fast these days. 

Food? Fast food. Customer service? Fast customer service. 

The same goes for rank checker tools. Whenever I want to pull the data from my rank checker tool, I don’t want to wait for hours or days for my data to refresh. I want my data to be ready whenever I click the check button so I can use it to make or change any strategy at a moment’s notice.

No matter how advanced or accurate your tools are, no one wants to use them if they are very slow and end up ruining the whole user experience.

Introducing – Rank Intelligence.

Rank Intelligence is the world’s only real-time Search Engine Result Page (SERP) intelligence tool, meaning you can find out exactly which keywords you rank for, including keywords you didn’t even know you ranked for, in a click of a button.

Discovering keywords that your pages are ranked for is the first step of monitoring and measuring your SEO success.

The team here at BiQ took a unique approach when it comes to tracking your keywords. 

We want to give you the most accurate information while making it as user-friendly as possible so that a beginner can also use it.

When it comes to tracking your keywords, we understand that you want to know which keywords in your pages are ranked on Google and which ones ended up in the SERP positions.

Thus, our Rank Intelligence will provide you with all your ranking keywords, positions, keyword metrics, SERP features, and URLs with a click of a button!

Read on to find out how you can uncover the full potential of keyword rankings with our Rank Intelligence.

1. Get more insights from your ranking data

Whether you need to look for the top keywords your pages are ranked for or finding out how much traffic does each keyword brings to your site, our Rank Intelligence will get you covered.

To use this feature, all you need to do is enter your domain name into the query and click enter. The Rank Intelligence will not only help you find all the keywords from your top 100 pages, but it also helps you to pick and sort your top keywords. 

This feature is very critical to find out what are the search terms that users are searching for to reach your site. Within seconds, you will be able to get an overview of your keyword performance as shown in the screenshot below.

From the dashboard, you can see the following metrics for each of your keyword rankings:

  • Average monthly search volume
  • Competition
  • CPC (cost per click)
  • SERP Features (People Also Ask, Knowledge Graph, Video, etc.)
  • (Website) URL
  • Your Position

Once you’ve picked your winning keywords, click on the “Track” button to start tracking for any ranking changes in our Rank Tracking which we will be covering here

The best thing about our Rank Intelligence is that you don’t need to check your keyword ranking every time. It will crawl on your website on a regular basis to find out if there are any new keywords that are being ranked on Google SERP.

2. Track keyword performance in different locations and languages

If you’re running a local business, you know the importance of optimizing your website to local SEO. 

According to a study done by Forbes, 95% of smartphone users have used their device to perform local searches, out of which 61% called the business and 59% visited.

rank intelligence track keyword performance in different locations and languages

But if you’ve ever managed a brand with multiple locations, then I’m sure you’ll understand how challenging it is to extract and analyze the data from your SEO campaigns.

Now you can track your keyword rankings across multiple profiles, languages, and locations, both locally and globally with Rank Intelligence. Our Rank Intelligence will check the rankings of your website using the localized IPs to give you the local rankings that you need.

To use this feature, you can use the same domain to create multiple profiles for different locations and languages. Once you find out what your top keywords are, you can add them to your Rank Tracking profile to monitor them.

By using Rank Intelligence, it now helps you to spend less time collecting information manually and instead allows you to focus on improving your SEO strategies and your keyword ranking over time. 

3. Check if your pages are featured on Position Zero

Knowing the position of your keywords is a start. 

If you want to get valuable traffic to your website by winning a featured snippet on Google, the Position Zero in the Extra Features column will guide your efforts.

Sometimes, you might find yourself quite surprised that your page is being featured on Position Zero for the keywords that you’re not aware of.

Start with entering your website URL and you will be presented with all the Extra Features you could be ranking for that is present in the SERP.

Rank Intelligence module shows you extra features for each keyword that you can optimize and win over

Now let’s find the keyword opportunity that could get your website to rank for featured snippets, knowledge graph, video or image features. Hover to any of the keywords in the “Keywords” column.

Clicking the icon next to the keyword will bring you to the search engine results page. From there, you will see the same keyword as the input on the search result. You will also get to see your ranking page.

If you have existing snippets, remember to edit them over time to ensure a constant flow of traffic to your site.

4. Compare with your competitors’ performance in real-time

Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.

That’s a quote from Sun Tzu himself and it also applies in SEO as well.

Performing competitive website analysis can also provide rich insights on opportunities for your own website.

For example, you want to know:

  • Which keywords are your competitors ranking on page 1 for, but your website isn’t?
  • Which keywords are your competitors ranking on page 1 for that also have a featured snippet? You might be able to provide better content and take over that snippet.
  • How can you create better content to steal the position from your competitors?

How do you get all that information? It’s simple. 

Rank Intelligence is the perfect place to find all the pages that compete with your site from your keywords.

To do this, create a profile for each of your competitors just like what you did to your own site. And the best part is – you can target a specific location and language to start tracking on your local competitors.

Use this report to find your competitors’ keyword tactics and see how well they’re doing in organic search results. You can also use this to find out which keywords are being featured on Position Zero using the Position Zero report.

Start analyzing each keyword and check out their content by copying the page URL into Google for any opportunities. 

Once you have identified the keywords that you want to compete with, you can click the track button to start tracking them in our Rank Tracking.

5. Find out underperforming keywords and start improving them

If you have a page that ranks high on Google’s SERP but lows CTR (click-through rate), chances are your ranking for that page will drop significantly, especially when there’s a Google algorithm update.

Analyzing your keyword ranking doesn’t just give you a good idea of what are your most valuable keywords but it also lets you know what keywords are underperforming. Once you find those keywords, then you can focus your attention to improve on them.

Make use of the “Advanced Filter” to sort out your keyword ranking data and identify underperforming keywords.

For example, I want to focus on keywords that are ranking in positions 5 through 15. These rankings are usually located between the bottom of Page 1 to the top of the Page on Google. For these terms, ranking at the top of the first page on Google is much easier compared to position 16 onwards.

Once you’ve identified your underperforming keywords, analyze and find out what’s the main problem of the page itself. Is the content underwhelming? Are you not using the right keywords for the right intent? 

This information will be useful for you to start planning for your next SEO strategy.

Start Checking Your Keyword Ranking Now

Checking your keyword ranking is still important to make sure that your content and keywords remain relevant to your audience.

With Rank Intelligence, you can now unlock the full potential of your keyword ranking data by analyzing it with other important SEO metrics.

Click here to create your free access to Rank Intelligence, and start exploring!

About Allysa
Allysa is always eager to learn something new whenever she got some free time and that includes SEO and inbound marketing. She also has a passion for traveling and discovering the unknown.