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BiQ vs MarketMuse: Which One Should You Choose?

BiQ vs Marketmuse

The presence of BiQ Content Intelligence has brought massive attention recently. Since most users are spilt between BiQ vs Marketmuse, this article is here to help.

Want a comparison between BiQ vs MarketMuse? You’ve got your unbiased answers right here!

BiQ Cloud and MarketMuse are SEO toolkits that focus on content made for marketers, bloggers, and website owners.

They have tons of features that allow users to conduct in-depth keyword research, optimize content and perfect their online presence.

Now, since the launch of BiQ Cloud, many have compared it to MarketMuse.

Both of these tools have their pros and cons and may suit users with different needs. So which one of them is better for you?

In this article, you’ll discover the answer and find out more about BiQ vs MarketMuse.

What is BiQ (Content Intelligence)?

BiQ is short for Business Intelligence Quotient and its history dates back to 2017.

It began when a group of marketers found out that their biggest company expenses come from using different SEO tools.

They decided to stop spending on them and created an all-around SEO toolkit that allows users to accomplish everything they need. With this, users don’t need to pay for 5 different tools to get the job done. 

Getting everything done with one tool isn’t a dream anymore – keyword research, content optimization, competitor analysis, and keyword tracking awaits.

BiQ Welcome page
BiQ’s welcome page.

And the best thing about it is that it’s suitable for everyone…

We decided to make BiQ Cloud more affordable than other tools and make it available not just for big corporations as most SEO tools on the Internet. But also for startups and small businesses alike.

That’s when BiQ Cloud came with its democratic pricing policy, meant to provide our users with a cost-efficient solution.

What Is MarketMuse?

MarketMuse’s mission is to help customers create high-quality and high-ranking content that grabs users’ attention.

They focus on growing the audience with better content and perfecting your SEO game.

This tool is created by a team of marketers that use AI to analyze content marketing strategy and maximize its effectiveness.

MarketMuse landing page

It removes all the guesswork with its data-driven smart approach.

It’s superb if you’re looking for collaboration, transparency, action, empathy, and like to experiment and try new adventures with your strategy

Probably the biggest disadvantage of MarketMuse is its price. It’s very expensive and it’s not suitable for startups or small businesses.

The basic pricing starts at $149 / month all the way up to $999 / month.

Pricing table for marketmuse

It’s considered expensive if you compare it to BiQ Cloud. It’s obvious that you’ll need to have a bigger budget to subscribe.

Unique Features In BiQ vs Marketmuse

Now that you know the basics about both tools, let’s look at what separates them.

We’ll discuss their unique features which will help you decide which one of them is better for your business.

We’ll start with BiQ Cloud.

BiQ’s Content Intelligence: AI-Powered SEO Editor & Content Optimization Tool

In this section, you’ll discover the top features of BiQ’s Content Intelligence.

1. WordVector & Wordscope SEO analysis

As soon as you arrive at Content Intelligence, you can start drafting your content.

As you write, AI automatically analyzes your content in real-time. You can see detailed statistics about it on the right side.

There are two tabs you can switch between – WordScope and Analysis.

In the WordScope section, you can see the basic info like word count, number of headings, average link count, and the overall Content Grade.

Data on Wordscope section

In the Analysis, you can learn more about Readability and keyword density

Data on Analysis tab

It allows you to see the Readability level, Fund Score, and Word Vector Score which can help you make your articles easier to understand and more SEO-friendly.

2. Advanced Line-By-Line Analysis

Unlike most solutions on the market, BiQ Cloud will give you the most detailed analysis.

This is because it looks at your content from all angles. It helps you see related keywords you should use throughout the content and make your articles rank higher.

Advanced line by line analysis by BiQ Content Intelligence content optimization tool

Aside from this, it also gives you tips you can incorporate to improve your SEO game. It also focuses on the reading experience and gives you in-depth stats about it.

It provides users with the best all-around content analysis, thus creating SEO friendly content.

3. Unique Data Presentation

Perfecting user experience is vital for speeding up your workflow and saving your time and making you work more efficiently.

That’s where BiQ Content Intelligence really stands out.

Keyword research, writing, and optimizing content go hand-in-hand. That’s why we decided to make it easier for you to perform all of these things simultaneously.

BiQ Cloud allows you to easily do that with its module tabs at the top.

Marketmuse alternative, BiQ allows users to module hop
Marketmuse alternative, BiQ Cloud allows users to module hop easily.

That’s right, you can access keyword research tools and quickly switch between writing and researching.

It’ll supercharge your productivity and will allow you to get things done faster.

Aside from that, everything is highly intuitive so you don’t have to worry to get confused. Even if you have never worked with an SEO tool before.

It’s very simple to navigate and suitable for everyone.

4. Perform Quick Keyword Research

Because keyword research and content optimization go hand in hand, we decided to make it, even more, easier to combine the two. 

And so we implemented keyword suggestions into our Content Intelligence writing editor.

Related keywords to ease your keyword research
On your right of the content editor, those data are your related keywords.

Content Intelligence will also help you see what sections should include more keywords.

This is especially useful after you edit content and wonder where to add keywords to make it more SEO-friendly.

It’ll increase your productivity, make keyword research easier, and lead to better content. If you need thorough information on an individual keyword, just click on a new tab and use the Keyword Intelligence tool! Simple as that!

5. Quick Fix On Issues

In the previous step, you’ve learned that the Content Intelligence content optimization tool can help you to see what sections of your writing need improvements.

You can then go over it, make necessary adjustments and produce better content.

But adding keywords isn’t the only thing Content Intelligence can help you with. It can also show you additional SEO-related problems.

To see that, you’ll need to switch to Fundamentals and in the Analysis tab.

Edit Needed section for each paragraph to enhance your SEO efforts
SEO content optimization tips are generated immediately!

You’ll be presented with fundamental SEO errors that are hurting your rankings.

Unlike the previous step, this analysis looks at the overall quality of your content. It helps you spot the problem areas, which you can fix to rank higher and get more traffic.

6. Sentiment Analysis

The Content Intelligence tool also shows you the sentiment analysis of your content.

This is an extremely powerful feature especially if you are a content marketer looking to not only educate your readers but also turn them into customers.

We all know that we buy because of emotions, not logic.

As you can see above, the whole selling process is based on emotions. In the past, trying to convey the right emotions was difficult.

Fortunately, nowadays it’s a lot easier with AI telling you exactly what emotions you evoke.

Content Intelligence will show you the sentiment each of your sections conveys. 

You can then better understand how your content appears to your readers or change it up a little to evoke the right emotions.

MarketMuse: AI Content Planning & Optimization Software

In this section, you’ll discover the top features of MarketMuse.

1. Complete Content Strategy Platform

MarketMuse allows you to perform the whole content creation process, all the way from research to optimizing content and making it ready to be published.

This is one of the biggest advantages of MarketMuse.

Similar to BiQ Cloud, it uses AI to speed up your workflow, provide better results and make your content better.

The whole content creation process of MarketMuse starts with content research.

Content research section on Marketmuse
How to write SEO articles? Use MarketMuse.

On average, it takes 12.5 hours to conduct content research. AI can speed it up though and you can be done with it in as little as 10 minutes.

After you researched your content, it’s time for your content strategy.

This allows you to see what type of content performs best and what areas of the topic to cover in order to maximize your chances of ranking high.

After that, it’s time for content creation

The content creation module provides you with a brief with detailed guidelines to produce great content.

And finally, after you finish your draft, it’s time to optimize it.

Optimize your content on MarketMuse content optimization tool

It’s not as in-depth as BiQ’s Content Intelligence method of optimization, but it can help you with things like choosing the right words your audience uses.

Nevertheless, it’s one of the most complete content tools on the market.

2. Natural Language Generation

Generating a draft based on a brief is made possible with MarketMuse.

That’s right, you just click the button and get a long-form article generated for you. It’s the first tool on the market that allows you to generate content longer than 750 words.

The snippet of the article you see above has been generated automatically by AI.

It’s an extreme step further in technology and can completely supercharge your work. But there’s a catch…

AI can’t feel the emotions as we do and sometimes it may mess things up.

This may lead to poor quality, whether it’s looking at the problem from a wrong perspective or evoking wrong emotions.

This feature is still relatively new and will take a long time to become suitable for users. So for now, write content by yourself and don’t rely on AI.

3. Track ROI of Content

ROI or return on investment is crucial for the long-term success of your business.

Unfortunately, tracking content effectiveness and its ROI is one of the biggest challenges content marketers face.

Fortunately, MarketMuse makes it easier to track or at least easier to work on.

This is because it provides you with various content scores and KPIs that can help you further improve the quality of your content.

Another way it can help you increase ROI is by providing you with the opportunity score. This will help you write content that your audience wants and amplify your content quality.

Track content ROI using MarketMuse
Image Source: Marketmuse Blog

You can also look at the basic metrics like word count to further improve it.

Some writers cover all areas of a big topic but they use a lot of unnecessary words and create very long content which may bore readers.

This problem isn’t always easy to spot, but with MarketMuse, it’s a piece of cake.

Using this tool will allow you to track your ROI and improve your sales.

4. Provide Linking Access

After Google’s RankBrain update, content clusters are the latest trend you should adapt to.

In essence, consumers don’t want to read 5,000-word long content that covers every aspect of a big topic. Instead, they want to get to know only a certain area of the big topic they are interested in.

MarketMuse makes it easier for your business to adapt to this by providing you with linking suggestions you can use for content clusters.

For instance, we analyzed an article about scaling your linking strategy and we got this.

It’s a list of ideas that can help you simplify this huge topic and divide it into smaller parts.

In addition to this, there is also another way you can use to build more backlinks. It’s the linking recommendation feature.

It gives you suggestions on link-building opportunities that can increase your backlinks.  

If you click on the particular categories, you’ll get more info about the sites you can use for backlinks.

For instance, if you click on the Internal, you’ll see something like below.

You can then go over them, pick the most suitable ones and have better content.

Building backlinks is crucially important for your content strategy. It will allow you to rank higher and get more traffic which will increase your revenues.

Remember, the more backlinks a site has, the higher it ranks.

Use Linking Access to your advantage, build a lot of backlinks and get the best results.

Final Verdict

BiQ vs Marketmuse? Truth be told, both tools are great for your SEO needs.

They are unique in their own way and each of them has its pros and cons. The deal breaker is in their costs though…

MarketMuse has incredibly high prices and smaller businesses may not be able to afford it.

Whereas BiQ Cloud is one of the most affordable tools on the market. It provides you with all features you need to perfect your content.

But then again, it all depends on which content optimization tool suits your needs the most.

About Winnie
Winnie is a copywriter and digital marketer in the vast world of SEO and marketing. She's as curious as she can be; constantly hunting for answers to her questions, never saying no to new experiences. When she's not spending her time typing up a storm, she is at home keeping up with her never-ending movie marathon & self-improvement books.