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6 Best Answer the Public Alternatives to Help with Your Keyword Research

answer the public alternatives

Just Answer the Public is not enough. Here are 5 Answer The Public alternative and complementary tools that will give you a bulletproof keyword research to build your SEO.

93% of online browsing experiences start through search engines, and to be visible to a search engine, you have to use the right keywords relevant to the right audience.

If you are looking for keywords or topic ideas for your content, one source you might get referred to is Answer the Public. And don’t get us wrong, it is definitely a good place to start. 

However, the baseline remains that to write excellent, engaging content, you need to do more in-depth research before deciding on your target keywords or creating content.

For that, you have to have the right tools. Just using Answer the Public is not enough for building your SEO website and content.

In this article, we’ve done some research and come up with a list of the best tools to significantly improve your keyword research and help you develop great content ideas. These tools include:

  1. LSIGraph’s Keyword Research
  2. BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence
  3. BiQ’s Rank Intelligence
  4. SEMrush
  5. Ubersuggest
  6. Ahref’s Keyword Explorer

These tools are some of the best Answer the Public alternatives slash complements you have to try if you are looking to create content that ranks. However, before that, if this is your first time coming across the tool.

What is Answer the Public?

Answer the Public

Answer the Public is a great keyword tool for planning your content. It works by giving you related questions and phrases based on your keyword.

By simply your seed keyword in, like for example “chocolate”, it will return relevant results like: “how chocolate is made” or “chocolate can cause”.

Answer the Public "chocolate"

The phrases and questions provided by this keyword tool can especially help you understand your audience’s pain points and guides you on how to approach these pain points.

The data provided here however is limited. Answer the Public has various plans that fit different users, which include the freemium plan and the paid plans.

If you want more in-depth analysis, you’re better off using the keyword tool’s paid plans. The keyword tool has a $99 a month plan that provides you with more search data and some pro features.

Additionally, Answer the Public also has a search listening monthly enterprise plan for $399 that allows you to track and monitor your brand’s reputation.

It also helps keep you updated on trending topics and unbiased shifts in perception that can prove genuinely handy when creating new content for your brand.

However, on its own, Answer the Public is not entirely effective. The research tool is best used to get inspiration for content ideas, but still, you will need to use it with other tools to get the best SEO results.

Besides, there are quite a few similar tools around.

Answer the Public Alternatives

If you are looking for similar tools like Answer the Public to get even more content ideas and inspiration, there are two tools you could use instead: FAQ fox and Google’s People Also Ask.

These research tools also provide you with similar insights into your audience’s questions regarding your niche.

1. FAQ fox


FAQ fox is a useful research tool that caters to internet marketing. It helps you interact with and provide real value to your customers by showing you what they want.

By providing you with the main keywords searched by your audience, you get an added advantage that places you ahead of your competition.

Using this tool, you can come up with high-value blog posts that your users actually care about. It also has impressive data-driven media and resources that help you create viral content.

Using this tool, you can check and correct your company’s direction and even help you get a few steps ahead of your competition.

2. Google’s People Also Ask

Provides you with content ideas and improves visibility

Organic searches account for more than 50% of all website traffic. The reason is that 70-80% of users prefer organic search results over paid ads. Therefore, you must understand how your target audience searches for queries to divert this traffic to your website.

Google’s people also ask actually helps you improve your content’s organic visibility. The reason for this is that the boxes are quite dynamic in that whenever you click on a question, it opens to show more similar queries underneath.

For instance, if you click on the question, ‘is wine better for blood?’, you get other similar questions below the one you just clicked, such as, ‘is wine better for your blood and blood pressure?’ This helps you understand your audience better by showing all their interests in that particular niche.

Likewise, when we are creating content targeting “Answer the Public alternatives”, we can understand that users are also looking for more unique SEO keywords.

Answer the Public alternative keyword - People also ask result

It helps you build upon your FAQ

The tool also helps you create your blog’s FAQ’s page. By answering these pressing questions on your site, you come off as an expert, which helps build trust with your audience. Using this criterion, you can better understand your competitor’s struggles.

If you have an established competitor in your niche, the FAQ page is great for determining where their struggles are. Solving these problems for your audience will help build your company’s reputation, thereby growing your brand and making you more respected and trusted in your field.

Critical aspects of Keyword Research that Answer the Public does not cover

Although Answer the Public is useful in certain aspects, it has some drawbacks since it doesn’t cover features critical to SEO and keyword research.

All these features are significant if you want to grow your site, which is why it would be best to complement the tool with keyword research tools like BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence.

1. Keyword search volume

keyword search volume

Keyword search volume is the most vital metrics to consider when doing your keyword research. and should not be taken lightly. It represents the number of searches done on a particular keyword in a specific period and is a measure of the keyword’s potential traffic and worthiness.

Knowing this metric could help you;

  • Prioritize your content’s topics
  • Estimate your website’s traffic potential
  • Analyze the keyword’s search trend

Being unable to access this critical information makes it difficult for you to understand the kind of content that your audience is interested in. You may end up creating content that most of your intended audience won’t get to read either way.

2. Semantically-related words

Semantically-related words or keyword phrases refer to a combination of associated terms typically used by many internet users when searching for some information on the internet. Analyzing these phrases often helps you focus better on your target audience.

Using these keyword phrases when writing your content helps you optimize the content to suit your reader’s needs. Instead of generalizing your topics, you can address your reader’s pain points more precisely, which helps your articles come across as thoughtful, knowledgeable, and engaging.

Another reason is that Google’s RankBrain and Hummingbird search engine algorithms are designed so that they rank you higher when you use semantically-related words in your articles. You could use these words in your headlines and throughout your entire article.

Unfortunately, Answer the Public doesn’t have the necessary analytics to help you generate the best semantically related words. Without this vital information, you won’t manage to create optimized content for your target audience.

3. Keyword value and intent

Keywords are valuable when creating online content since they connect what people are searching for and the content you provide.

For instance, you may have remarkable content for your blog; however, if you don’t have the right keywords, your audience may never get to read and interact with it. This is why it’s best to do your research on relevant and high-value keywords for your content.

Besides, not all keywords are created equal and certain keywords tend to offer higher traffic value or buyer potential compared to others which is essential to take into consideration.

Since Answer the Public does not contain analytical information on keyword value, it would be best to complement your keyword research with a keyword research tool such as BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence tool.

BiQ Keyword Intelligence

Simply by searching your seed or target keyword, the tool will return all related keywords along with their data like intent and value to help you decide on the right keyword to target.

4. Keyword trend

Since the world is continuously changing with different trends emerging daily, it’s only proper to keep up with current trends if you want to stay relevant. The best way to do this is through keyword research, and incorporating the most trending keywords in your content.

However, Answer the Public does not provide these analytics. The best way to obtain them is by using Answer the Public alternatives together with the tool for more in-depth analysis.

A great keyword analysis tool should show you trending keywords, the period when they were trending, and whether the trends are seasonal.

Take for example. the keyword “chocolate” again. It might seem obvious that valentine’s chocolates will be trending during February, but chocolate gifts are also trending during the year-end holidays.

Using this information, you can do more research on the keywords and determine what factors could have influenced such trends. Doing this could help you make educated decisions regarding the type of content you’ll come up with and when to produce them.

5. Competitor’s keywords

Competitor’s keywords are also known as keyword gaps. They are used to determine the keywords that your competitors rank highly for which you don’t. Competitor keyword analysis involves various stages, like identifying your competitor’s keywords and analyzing each keyword.

Competitor's keywords

Being privy to this information and incorporating it into your content creation strategy will give you a massive advantage over your competitors. If you use the data effectively, you’ll be able to rank higher than you already are, if not higher than your competitors.

Increasing your search engine optimization ranks (SERPS) will help draw more traffic to your website, leading to more conversions. Since Answer the Public does not have competitor keyword analysis features, it could help if you supplement this with other keyword research tools so now let’s get into the list.

6 Keyword Tools to Complement Answer the Public

There are 5 keyword tools that you should use if you are looking to do a comprehensive keyword analysis. As mentioned, these tools are LSIGRaph’s Keyword Research, BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence, BiQ’s Rank Intelligence, SEMRush, Ubersuggest, and Ahrefs keyword explorer.

So now let’s get into the highlight of each tool and see how these keyword tools can help provide you with other vital features necessary for creating great content.

1. LSIGraph’s Keyword Research

LSIGraph Keyword Research
LSIGraph Keyword Research

LSIGraph’s Keyword Research is a powerful and easy-to-use tool to help you find semantically-related keywords in a breeze.

It returns a list of contextual keywords along with important metrics for each keyword like search volume, keyword difficulty, search intent, cost-per-click, and competition.

One of LSIGraph’s most useful keyword research features is its Opportunity Score metric. Opportunity Score uses LSIGraph’s proprietary algorithm to show you keywords you can easily rank for with the least amount of effort.

Instead of having to sift through all the keyword metrics yourself to find keywords with the right balance between the metrics, you can just sort by Opportunity Score to find low hanging-keywords to target.

LSIGraph also comes with a powerful SERP Analyzer which shows you the structure and metrics for the top-ranking pages in the SERP for the keyword that you are researching.

2. BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence

BiQ Keyword Intelligence

As we illustrated above, BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence offers a more well-rounded approach to keyword research.

Besides providing you with the relevant keywords, it also provides you with other related keyword data such as keyword volume, related keywords, keyword trends, keyword competition, and more.

BiQ’s keyword intelligence stands out from all other keyword research tools because of its keyword analyzer feature that lets you see why an internet user may be searching for a particular element in the search engine.

You can use this information to plan out your content creation and content marketing strategy more effectively and focus on meeting your user’s needs and answer their search intent more effectively.

Besides, the keyword research tool also lets you sort out your keywords based on their value. High-value keywords are keywords that can bring in more traffic to your site with less competition.

How to use BiQ’s keyword intelligence

BiQ Keyword Intelligence - Popular Ideas
  1. Begin by entering your target keyword, let’s say content marketing, for instance.
  2. You can then choose the location you want to perform the analysis and then click on language.
  3. Click on search.

Following these steps, BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence tool will show you various relevant keywords as searched by people in the selected location.

There are also other relevant features that you could use to optimize your content even further, such as focusing on long-tail keywords, content ideas that are trending, engaging, and relevant to your readers.

2. BiQ’s Rank intelligence

Knowing your enemy well is one of the best strategies in war. When it comes to finding your competitor’s keywords, BiQ’s Rank Intelligence lets you discover the content gap between you and your competitors.

This is one of the best strategies you could use to close the gap between you and your competitors and simultaneously increase traffic on your website. It doesn’t mean that you are weak, but getting this information will give you a massive advantage over your competitors.

If you have a website in content marketing and your biggest competitor is the ‘All-in-One SEO Tool’ website by Neil Patel, you have to search for its URL to use on BiQ’s rank intelligence.

How to go about it

  1. The first thing you do is create a new profile using your competitor’s website URL-
  2. BiQ will then present you with a list of ranking distribution on your competitor’s site.
  3. You could then set the parameters and say you want to get the top ten keywords from their site with a search volume of at least 100.
  4. After doing that, you could then create a view to have a look at the rankings.
  5. Export the data as CSV and sort it out with another tool such as excel.

You could then make the same profile with your URL for an in-depth side by side analysis of the data.

If you get the keywords that your competitors are ranking for, you can create content with the same keywords and steal it from them.

However, if you find out that both of you have a similar ranking for the exact keywords, you can then analyze your content to find out where you’ll need to improve.

Selecting keywords that rank high such as those ranking from 1-5 or 1-10, is excellent. However, do not neglect those keywords that rate from 11-20. They can be improved on and boosted to rank on the first page.

3. SEMRush


SEMRush is another excellent SEO tool that you could use to increase your online visibility and discover other new marketing insights.

Similar to BiQ, SEMRush allows you to analyze your competitor’s keywords, track keywords, and even track keyword positions.

It is a decent keyword tool that provides the relevant data you need to create successful SEO projects and grow organic traffic. It also enables you to unveil your competitors’ marketing strategies, create high-ranking content, and better advertising that reaches more people.

Additionally, a plus for SEMRush is that it also provides backlinking information for the ranking results which can be super useful for building your SEO.

4. Ubersuggest

Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest is a free keyword tool that helps you gain insight into your competitors’ strategies and how they use them to rank higher.

The keyword tool provides you with keyword suggestions, content ideas, backlink data, and a repost on top SEO pages that show why your competition ranks better.


It then gives you helpful insights into the strategies working for other people in your niche. You can always adapt these strategies and make the necessary improvements to rank higher and gain an edge over your competitors.

5. Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

ahref's keyword explorer

Ahrefs helps website owners know how difficult it would be to rank in the top 10 search results, and it does this by calculating and placing your website on a scale of 1-100. One is the easiest and 100 the hardest.

If you want to use Ahref’s keyword explorer, you enter the URL you want, maybe a competitor’s URL or a keyword, and get instant access to thousands of relevant keyword suggestions. Ahrefs has accurate search volume results and works in over ten different search engines which makes it one of the most amazing keyword research tools around.

Now, with all these keyword data and insights. More importantly, how does it help with your content creation?

Use Keyword Insights to Inform Your Content Creation

You can optimize for the answer box and grow traffic

List Featured Snippet on Google for how to make bread

Answer boxes, also known as snippets, are Google’s way of serving the user better and more efficiently.

They contain information from the article that the user can go through without actually clicking on the article, and they are often displayed on the search engine result page and above regular SERP results but below the ads.

You could use BiQ’s Content Intelligence to ensure that your draft is SEO friendly and get interactive tips to help you throughout the article.

BiQ Content Intelligence

It is a handy tool that will help you understand what to cover, help you with the keyword usage, and help you fix critical issues that may hurt your ranking. Doing this will help you rank better, which will, in turn, bring more traffic to your website.

That’s why while Answer the Public is acceptable as part of your keyword research strategy, it doesn’t hurt to have a more dedicated tool that provides you with all the metrics for more informed decisions.

BiQ is an excellent Answer the Public alternative since it’s relatively cheap and produces excellent analytical results. So try it out today!

About Vivian
Vivian is an anthropologist lost in the world of digital marketing. She has an interest in learning about the science of marketing and the creativity that businesses use to transform themselves into purple cows.