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8 Landing Page Examples You Need to See to Increase Your Conversions

landing page examples

Looking for proven landing page examples to be inspired? Look no further because by the end of this article you will be able to start designing your own landing page with confidence and insights.

Looking for landing page examples to start your own?

There are many types of web pages we create in a website for different goals or exploration. But no matter what, every website needs a great and fully optimized landing page.

They may vary in appearance and use a range of intriguing techniques to entice visitors, but they’d all have the same basic goal and that is to convert interested potential buyers to opt-in or make a purchase.

In other words, these pages should encourage visitors to enter the next level of the buyer’s journey depending on what stage they are at.

But first, let’s be clear on what it means to be a landing page.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is often a standalone web page, that is created specifically for marketing or advertising campaigns.

Unlike other normal web pages, landing pages are designed with a single focus and call-to-action (CTA), and that could be anything from getting your audiences to opt-in with their email, sign up for a webinar, and is not always necessarily tied to sales.

Landing page
Image Source: LanderApp

Landing pages are a great choice for increasing conversion rates which is helpful to reduce your cost of lead acquisition.

With that said, landing pages also often deliver something of value in exchange for your potential audience’s contact information. For example, launching a webinar in exchange for getting email leads.

Mostly, landing pages are designed to generate leads while guiding prospects further into the marketing funnel before offering them a special deal or offer for the final conversion.

Landing page = Mid of funnel
Image Source: Unbounce

So, as illustrated here, landing pages usually appear after visitors click on a blog post or an advertisement link from Google, or even a YouTube video, or other similar top-of-the-funnel content to learn more.

Though its main purpose is conversion, the landing page also serves as a useful page to qualify only relevant leads.

For example, registration or signup with a webinar will only happen if you are ready to commit an hour-long to listen to what the service has to offer.

That’s why compared to sales or pricing pages, landing pages should have more thought into identifying your potential customers and coming up with a desirable action or value to get them to opt-in.

Now that you have a basic idea of what a landing page really entails, let’s get into the details.

Before you build your landing page

First, ask yourself…   

What is the purpose of your landing page?

What will visitors do when they reach your landing page? Will they make a purchase? Will you give them a form to fill out? Make them subscribe to a newsletter? Would they download an ebook? 

Well, always remember that the first stage in any approach is to establish goals because you have to understand what your landing page is all about before you can use it to boost the conversion rates of your visitors. 

What is the goal of your landing page?
Image Source: Personnel Today

Who are your buyers? 

Finding your potential buyers is the critical epitome of the success of your landing pages. So get to know your audiences and what are their needs or wants to help make more informed decisions.

With this, you will not only achieve a higher chance of traffic and opt-ins but you will most likely be able to boost your sales.

It would be impossible to write a convincing copy in the voice of the consumer until you know who your target audience is. So always make sure you put yourself in your buyer’s shoes.

According to a Yahoo survey, targeted advertisements were more engaging for 54% of consumers and it can significantly enhance sales of at least 10%. 

Image Source: Marketing Charts

To find the voice of your buyers, you can always use a keyword research tool like BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence.

Doing keyword research will be helpful to understand how your potential audience is searching on the internet and also what landing pages you should design with different target keywords.

Let’s say you want to understand the searcher’s intent when searching for ‘content marketing tool.’ to see if it is a worthy buyer keyword. Simply type it into the keyword tool and click search.

BiQ Keyword Intelligence

Turns out the keyword is of informational intent, which means the searchers are still in the awareness stage.

Since the searchers are looking for more information, you can create informational content such as ‘why do you need content marketing?’ and ‘top content marketing examples’.

This can be a great help because it eliminates assumptions and guesswork to identify the searchers’ intent.

BiQ Keyword Intelligence search queries

With landing pages, unless you are doing paid marketing, you would want to focus on creating them for keywords with transactional or navigational search intent.

More importantly, what you want to discover through keyword research is also the problems and pain points that your audiences are searching for which would make it much easier to design a landing page that is relevant to them.

Who are you competing against? 

Just like any competition, you should first understand who you’re going up against, what is making them so successful, and how can you do the same to succeed? These are the questions you should ask yourself before building your own landing page. 

With that said, you can actually get inspiration from other webpages that offer some of the best landing page designs and enhance them using your ideas to make a great landing page of your own. 

Let’s face it, redesigning a landing page is not easy. However, it’s much more difficult to build landing pages from nothing.

In conjunction, you should also use BiQ’s Rank Intelligence to find your competitor’s ranking keywords to inform your own marketing strategy and create landing pages to steal those rankings and traffic. 

BiQ Rank Intelligence

With BiQ’s Rank Intelligence, you can filter the keywords by their search volume or positions to further determine which one you should target.

How will they reach your landing page?

Your landing page would be meaningless unless it has traffic.

So no matter if you are using paid marketing or directing organic traffic to it, make sure there’s traffic on the page and be clear on where your visitors are coming from because that’d matter.

For instance, you should show different ad campaigns for users who show up on your landing page from Google as compared to those from Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

Target users
Image Source: Digital Signage Today

Plus, there’s no doubt that companies with more targeted landing pages will produce more leads than those with just a few.

So ideally, you would want to adjust your landing page for each group to increase your success rate. Though it is not going to be an easy task to perform, I would recommend you to start from where you feel comfortable. 

For example, you should begin with one custom landing page for each campaign, then extend as resources become available for individual ad groups.

Now that we gone through the important questions you need to consider before creating a landing page, there’s one last thing you need to know and that is…

What is a good landing page conversion rate? 

According to WordStream, the average landing page conversion rate is 2.35% across industries, with the top 25th percentile of landing pages hitting 5.31% or higher.

Don’t panic if the conversion rate is not really close to average just yet. It can be difficult to hit those figures initially, especially if you have a ton of daily page visitors.

Now into the main gist of the content and that is the landing page examples
with results so you can create your own.

8 Great examples of great landing page design

Now, since we have covered the pre-landing page questions, I’ll show you some of the best landing page designs that you can use to improve and apply them to your own landing pages. 

1. Slack

Slack landing page
Image Source: Gallantway 

When it comes to landing pages, Slack has always been at the top of the game. They’re actively searching for opportunities to boost conversions, and that’s the easiest way to find a successful landing page.

Most importantly, they truly simplified their landing pages to focus on their one call-to-action. This is “Where work happens” and with just one form to fill, visitors are more likely to complete the form.

Besides, the illustrations are colorful, entertaining, and specific to each segment. This makes visitors are more motivated to use Slack.

2. Pinterest

Image Source: ActiveTrail

It’s simple to get started with a very straight-forward sign-up page.

However, Pinterest brings it a notch up by emphasizing how easy it is to sign up, claiming that it only takes 45 seconds. As a trusting indicator, the customer base is also included.

The cherry on the top is the different Pinterest values which are shown with each visit to the site. Making sure the platform value is communicated to everyone.

3. Wix

Image Source: Wix

Wix makes it easy for individuals and companies to create sleek, simple websites and it tells us this with its perfectly minimalistic copy and design.

You will be prompted to learn more and get started.

With landing pages, sometimes you need to keep it only to the minimal and essential. The idea is to prompt users to take action and that’s why it important that your CTA button is prominently colored and centered.

4. BiQ

Image Source: BiQ

Likewise, BiQ creates an eye-catching headline to attract target audiences by speaking to their needs first, and placing what they are second.

We showcase what we can do for the users and how they can improve their SEO and improve their marketing with our tool.

As we are just starting out, we have placed logos of well-known companies as trust signals to reassure visitors so they can convert with confidence. 

5. ClickFunnels

Image Source: MegaPlaza

It’s obvious. ClickFunnels’ landing page is used to convert users into subscribing for a free trial.

The funnel software’s landing page shows an effective use of videos to advertise directly to their target audience.

Notably, the analytics they’ve included on their landing page is also a nice touch for a tool that is all about tracking funnels.

This shows that ClickFunnels knows what it is doing and that it values its customers’ success stories and will always track each result.

It’s one of the most complicated landing page templates to implement, but once you do, the conversions will spike.

6. Breather 

Image Source: Newsmonkey

When a visitor “lands” on, there’s an instant call-to-action to indicate where you want to find a space. 

Furthermore, it uses location services to determine where you are and provides immediate solutions nearby.

The negative space and calming paint scheme complement the object, which is basically space to breathe.

7. Lyft

Image Source: HubSpot Blog

Lyft’s landing page focuses on their drivers’ main goal which is making money quickly.

Plus the “Apply Now” form is very convenient, helps drivers to enter their city and the number of hours they’d like to work with Lyft in a week to see how much they will earn.

When visitors complete the form and click “Calculate”, they will see a dollar figure followed by a new “Apply Now” option. 

Lyft can easily categorize two different groups of people on the conversion path, those who are ready to convert and those who need a little more detail before converting. 

8. Landbot

Image Source: TechCrunch

Landbot is a software that builds chatbot-based landing pages. So it’s smart that it placed their own product on the front and the center of their chat-powered landing page

A bright and cheerful bot welcomes visitors, complete with emojis and GIFs.

Through its conversational copy, Landbot is just like a friend asking how you are doing today, and that can be so memorable.

3 Tips to Optimize landing pages for lead and sales generation 

1. A/B Testing

Also known as split testing, A/B testing is a common practice used to optimize your landing pages.

It works by displaying two variations of the same web page to separate segments of website users at the same time and evaluating which variant drives greater conversions.

Image Source: Vantage

In the digital world, everything is a hypothesis until it is tested with customers and proven to work.

So if you are not sure whether to use headline A or headline B, split testing is the way to go. Through A/B testing, the variant with the highest conversion rate is usually the winner and that variant will help you improve your website for greater results.

2. Performance Analytics

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. So always make sure you monitor and track the performance of your landing pages.

Take a look at important metrics like:

  • Traffic source – to find out where your landing page gets traffic from
  • Landing page views – to see how many people visit your page and see if there are any special events that impacted views
  • Return vs new visitors – to see if you are converting new or existing users because it’s meaningless if only return customers are converting on your page
  • Bounce rate – to see if your content matches search intent and if your users are actually interacting with your content
  • Form or cart abandonment – to check if your customer is willing to go through with the form or offer
  • Cost per conversion – how much does it cost to acquire a new lead?

On another note, you can also use Hotjar, a behavior analytics tracking tool to truly understand your visitors.

Image Source: Hotjar

It is a tool that shows exactly how your users behave on your landing page which will allow you to further understand where you can optimize.

3. Track Your Rankings 

Last but not least, you need to keep track of your landing page keyword rankings. These keywords determine your traffic and are often targeted by other competitors who are looking to steal your traffic.

For this, BiQ offers an awesome Rank Tracking tool that allows you to monitor how your website and your competitors is performing in search. 

When you’re targeting a long list of keywords, you have a few primary keywords you want to rank with because they’re the keywords with the highest frequency and purchase intent for your products or services.

Naturally, all of the competitors will be using those keywords as well. Hence, it is crucial to keep a rank-tracking profile of your competitors to keep an eye out if they have any gimmicks.

On the other hand, this will come in handy for your landing page because it allows you to not only keep track of your amazing landing page ranking but also to get valuable insights into your competitor’s strategy. 

Key Takeaway   

There you have it, some of the best landing page examples to get you inspired. And we know you probably have a lot of ideas right now.

But before you log off to create your perfect landing page, always remember to focus on your goals, who are you trying to target, and try to keep things simple, clear, and easy to allow visitors to follow the call-to-action. 

A quick tip is also to always collect landing page examples into a swipe file so you’d always have a few to refer to when you are looking to re-design your landing page to boost your conversion rates.

About Vivian
Vivian is an anthropologist lost in the world of digital marketing. She has an interest in learning about the science of marketing and the creativity that businesses use to transform themselves into purple cows.