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How to Lead SEO Teams And Track Their Performance Effectively

Meta – Meeting every pre-set goal is a must to ensure high ROI in your SEO campaigns. Search engines bring in a lot of traffic so having an effective team and steps in place that can measure their performance accurately is also important.

It’s complex to manage most software teams but managing a search engine optimization team can be even more so. Team members have such a wide variety of tasks to manage as Google and Bing don’t actively share their algorithms. This means plenty of trial and error has to take place. With so many moving parts, it can be hard to keep track of progress and measure the impact of any improvements. Here are some of the ways you can lead a team effectively.

Take a united approach

It’s important to make sure that everyone on the team understands the goals. You need to set attainable goals that align with business goals and the objectives of other departments. For example, a content marketing department requires input on what keywords to use. When a team works together to achieve goals Holding daily standup meetings gives team members the opportunity to communicate any roadblocks. They can discuss their progress, address concerns, and reach agreements over decisions such as what tasks are more important.

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Identify KPIs

Using Key Performance Indicators is vital or you won’t be able to measure if a team is making progress or not. Some KPIs you may want to set for the team are:

  • Improve the percentage of organic website traffic. 
  • Rank for more primary keywords. 
  • Identify which web pages generate the most traffic and improve them. 
  • Get more traffic from specific regions. 
  • Improve click-through and conversion rates.

Provide appropriate tools 

A team can’t function at its best if you don’t give it the right tools for the job. You can choose individual tools for a particular purpose or invest in all-in-one software with multiple purposes. Here are some examples of useful tools of both kinds. 

  • Google Search Console can help the team to identify problems with a website as it will crawl it and pick up errors. Fixing these errors can improve rankings. 
  • KWFinder will help the team to find the right keywords to target. 
  • SemRush is a powerful app for keyword research, conducting in-depth website audits, and improving search engine rankings. It offers so many tools and resources that it can take quite a learning curve to master all of them. 
  • Screaming Frog is a great tool for doing on-site auditing. 
  • BrightLocal is a local search engine optimization tool that helps with finding and tracking keywords, performing audits, and tracking competitors. 

Hold weekly meetings

Weekly meetings ensure that all team members stay up to date with what’s happening in the wider business and other departments. Your meeting agenda should cover progress updates and any issues that need discussion. The input of all team members should be regarded as valuable. This can help to build trust and improve performance. 

Encourage continuous communication

It’s important to use the right tools to encourage communication. 

  • Asana allows team members can share their documents and collaborate on projects. 
  • Slack is a messaging app that makes connecting with team members and discussing tasks simple. 
  • Todoist can help team members to manage their time more efficiently.
  • Content writing tools can offer writing assistance to help with search engine optimization. 

Don’t micromanage – lead by example

As the manager, you will need to assign tasks to team members and hold them accountable. Trying to micro-manage them can cause resentment. They want to take ownership of individual processes and are unlikely to respond well if you watch every move they make. 

One of the best management techniques is to lead by example. Don’t expect team members to handle conflict, meet deadlines, and respect rules if you don’t do this yourself. 

Measure results 

The KPIs you set will help you to measure results. If one of your KPIs is to rank for more primary keywords, the team will need to use keyword research tools to identify them and you can measure whether they appear in the top three search engine results. You can also monitor growth in traffic, conversions, revenue, etc. 

Regularly measuring and reporting on KPIs will ensure that a team stays on track and meets its goals. Tracking and measuring progress will help you to make improvements and improve overall performance. 


To manage an SEO team effectively you must use the right tools, strategies, and approach. SEO keeps evolving and good team management is essential to keep a team operating optimally. This will improve SEO and help the business to stay ahead of the competition. 

This Article is contributed by Lucy Miller

About the Author:
Lucy Miller is a multifaceted professional with a passion for words and a flair for digital marketing. As a seasoned writer and SEO specialist at a prominent marketing agency, Lucy navigates the dynamic landscape of online content with finesse. Her keen insights into the intricacies of digital marketing and search engine optimization have propelled her to the forefront of the industry.

With a pen as her tool and the internet as her canvas, Lucy crafts compelling narratives that captivate readers and elevate brands in the digital sphere. Her writing seamlessly blends creativity and strategy, balancing engaging content and search engine visibility.

Beyond her role in the marketing realm, Lucy is an avid explorer of the ever-evolving world of SEO. Constantly staying abreast of the latest trends and algorithmic shifts, she thrives on the challenges the digital landscape poses. Her commitment to excellence and her innovative approach to SEO make her a valuable asset in the competitive world of online marketing.

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