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Get More Quality Leads: How A Content Management System Can Help

content management systems (CMS)

Having a content management system will bring you quality leads and support your entire content marketing strategy. See which are the top CMS platforms voted by all.

Learn the best Content Management System (CMS) and why you’ll need it in your marketing strategies.

As a business owner, you have heard a lot of acronyms. SERP, SEO, CRM, CMS, and CDN are just some of the most important ones. However, CRM is more important, especially because half of the websites on the internet today are built with one. 

But what exactly is CMS?

Explanation of CMS by CMSWire
Image Source: CMSWire

CMS is coined from the words Content Management System, and it may be the solution you seek if you want to make a website with limited resources and technical knowledge. To attract more visitors to your site and keep them there for longer, then you will need to post engaging content.

The texts, videos, images, and graphics you upload on your website not only keep your readers engaged, but are also registered by search engines. For these reasons, it’s important that you maintain good content. This means constantly revising your content, publishing, updating, and also engagingly managing your content.

If you have a big website it would be challenging to manage all your content without using a content management system (CMS). Therefore, ensure that the web design company you contract to build your website builds your website in a common CMS system like HubSpot or WordPress.

The CMS will enable your employees to make small changes to content, and it will enable the web design company to make any necessary design and layout changes.

Why is the Content Management System Important to Your Company?

1. Establish efficiency

When designing and building your website, the CMS will allow the web design company to use a shorter time than they would use to build pages from scratch. Lesser time means that you will save more time and money. What’s more, when it comes to updating and maintaining your website, your team will be able to focus on improving other vital areas of your website – for instance, developing more engaging content that will help generate more leads.

2. Help in developing SEO ranking

According to Smart Insights, approximately 80% of business-to-business (B2B) searches for technology services and products start with a simple online search. Therefore, you should be leveraging your CMS and website to develop a ranking that can drive more traffic to the relevant website pages and turn your visitors into leads.

Most content management systems will enable you to optimize titles, content depth, Meta descriptions, keywords, and add a call to action. However, apart from using your CMS, you may still need BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence, which helps you to easily identify potential target keywords.

You can also use the BiQ Keyword Intelligence to gather data on keyword competition, keyword volume, keyword trends, related keywords, and many more. The BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence allows you to also find more content ideas, identify trending topics that are relevant to your niche, and questions people may be asking.

Besides keywords, you can also optimize your content using BiQ Content Intelligence

It is important to do content optimization after publishing your content. It gives you a second chance to make your content more attractive to the search engine and users. 

Let me share with you how we usually do our content optimization using. First, enter your target keyword and page URL.

Enter keyword and page URL in BiQ Content Intelligence

Then, it will return with a full analysis of your content. You can see there are three important parts of the analysis. 

BiQ Content Intelligence results

The first section would be the paragraph by paragraph analysis. The paragraph is divided into sections, and you can see their relevancy, sentiment, and readability. 

Content optimization using Content Intelligence

Next, you will see an overview of your content performance, including readability, sentiment distribution, word count, semantic density, and keyword density. 

Results of BiQ Content Intelligence optimization

Lastly, you can switch to the analysis tab to check on the WordVector and Fundamental SEO optimization

Sections that show edit needed, good enough or optimized

You can use all the insight to guide you in optimizing your content. If you are not sure where to start, you can check out the optimization suggestions at the ‘Edit Needed’ tab. These are usually critical errors that hinder your content from ranking higher. 

3. Have a uniform layout of your website

When designing and developing your website, you should aim for a clean and uniform look. A CMS can help both you and the web design company to share ideas and ensure that the website’s look and function delivers.

A content management software helps you have a uniform layout
Image credits: CodeCanyon

An important feature in most CMS platforms is the provision to create templates and ensure that all content follows the template. This way, your employees can change the web pages as they see fit. Additionally, you won’t have to close check every page after it is completed.

4. Help visitors in their search for information

A CMS is important for all types of businesses, but mostly for B2B companies. This is because they allow designers to easily build business websites that not only look great, but that also help to drive traffic. Therefore, whether you’re just starting in the marketing industry or you’re an experienced inbound marketer, your CMS will help you to streamline your day-to-day activities.

5. Automated mobile optimization

According to Statista, 60 percent of all organic search engine searches were from mobile devices. And for these reasons, Google always displays websites that are mobile-friendly first.

But how can you make your website more mobile-friendly?

content management system lets you have automated mobile optimization

To capture mobile traffic, you should first create a responsive website. You can achieve this by simply choosing a CMS with templates and themes that are mobile-optimized. This will ensure that every page or post that is published on your website is optimized for all devices.

6. Cost-effective and affordable

If you have a static website, then maintaining it can be very expensive. You will have to call your web designer every time you want any changes to be made. Apart from the cost factor, you will also have to wait for some time before the updates or changes you want to make on your site go live.

SEOPressor content management software is cost-effective and affordable

Fortunately, a CMS can save you time and money. And you will have more control over your website. Therefore, you will be able to quickly and easily make the changes you want when you want them done.

The Top 5 CMS Platforms in 2021 (According to the Market)

1. WordPress

top cms platforms wordpress

This is one of the best content management systems in the world, with over 18 million installations. While it was initially designed as a blog system, it now has several extensions for basic installations. This makes it easy to upgrade the software to a functional CMS.

Because WordPress is feature-packed, it gives you the freedom to build anything you want. What’s more, WordPress is free, and you can use the numerous plugins to start your online store, analytics, forums, mailing list, and also manage your galleries.

Features of WordPress

  • Customizable templates
  • Audio content
  • Document indexing
  • Image editor
  • E-forums
  • Text editor
  • Video content
  • Version control
  • Website management
  • SEO management

2. Joomla

top cms platforms joomla

Joomla is one of the top cms platforms. It is an open-source content management platform, where applications and websites can be created. This platform connects your website to MySQLi, My SQL, or PostgreSQL databases to ease content management and delivery on the site as well as the visitor. Joomla is the second most popular CMS in the world.

But what does Joomla mean for you? With the help of Joomla, you can manage to create a website with little to zero knowledge of programming. And when compared to some of its competitors, Joomla is slightly more advanced; however, it is still easy to use. Most importantly, it is an open-source platform and is free too! 

Did you know that Joomla has been used by some of the world’s most popular brands like iHop, MTV, and Harvard? This is because Joomla can perform tasks ranging from blogs, corporate websites to e-commerce and networks. This platform is supported by a large and dynamic developer community.

Features of Joomla

Apart from being a powerful content management system, Joomla has numerous extensions that improve its functionality. There are many built-in features on Joomla. Some of the features of Joomla include:

1. Easy Updates

Joomla has an in-built updater that makes the updating process easy for all users and doesn’t need any specialized skills.

2. Multi-lingual

Joomla offers over seventy languages, this means that you can create a website and present it in multiple languages.

3. Well-supported

Joomla is supported by a group of top-notch developers, individuals, and business consultants.

4. Banner Management

You can easily set up banners on websites powered by Joomla using banner management.

5. Integrated Help Management

There is an in-app background help option that is useful for you regardless of your learning level. Other features of Joomla are:

  • Power Extensibility
  • Frontend Editing
  • Content Management
  • Search
  • Media Management
  • Menu Management
  • RSS
  • Template Management

3. Wix

top cms platforms wix

Wix is the third world’s most common content management system. Just like the other content management systems, Wix offers a convenient means to create your own website. This platform serves over a hundred and ten million people in more than 190 countries across the world.

Every day, there are 45,000 sign-ups on Wix. Wix works just like the other CMS platforms only that it includes a free plan and offers a larger number of templates for you to start with. Wix also has a good website speed.

Regardless of how your website is, speed is a crucial factor. Furthermore, the Wix editor has an easy-to-navigate menu with numerous customization options.

Apart from being a content management system, Wix is also a website builder. Besides, you don’t need a lot of technical skills to use Wix when creating your website. This platform is easy to use and there is no coding required.

Features of Wix

1. Ease of use

Wix, as a website builder, caters to all users regardless of their technical know-how. Wix also has tools that can allow you to bring up to date all your website aspects like videos, photos, and web pages.

2. SEO features

You can easily create a website with a detailed SEO. Wix supports all the modern SEO standards and gives you the chance to apply them easily.

3. Unlimited free trial

With Wix, you get an unlimited free trial. This simply means that you can create a website at zero cost. However, Wix will place their logo at the top and bottom of your trial website.

4. Mobile-friendly

Did you know that over 50% of internet users are on mobile? And because of that, Wix is mobile-friendly; you can create your website and optimize it for mobile users.

5. Comprehensive e-commerce store

Do you want to set up an online store to sell your products? Well, you can easily do that with Wix. The eCommerce store on Wix offers you all you need to make your online store effective.

6. Complete design freedom

The innovative drag and drop interface of Wix allows you to design your website the way you want. Some of the other features on Wix are:

  • Media Galleries
  • Advanced Design Features
  • Scroll Effects
  • Unlimited Fonts

4. Drupal

top cms platforms drupal

Drupal is the Fourth most common content management system. It is also the current most flexible CMS in the market. Drupal is a CMS platform that is preferred by large associations, government agencies, nonprofits, and most Fortune 500. Popular websites like eBay, Tesla Motor, The Weather Channel, and The Economist use Drupal.

Drupal allows you to create content straight to your website. This platform is extensible and flexible. Drupal can help you establish things like:

  • Community portal sites
  • Forums
  • Blogs, music, portfolio, and multimedia sites
  • E-Commerce sites
  • Social networking sites
  • Personal or business websites
  • International websites

Features of Drupal

As a business owner, you must know how fundamental it is to select the right content management system to handle all the immense data and traffic. Drupal has many features, either in core or via funded models that make it the award-winning content management system it currently is.

1. Inbuilt Search

Drupal has an internal search engine that provides either advanced or standard modes of searching by default.

2. Content Administration

There are various core and contributed modules that offer a superior amount of editorial management and workflow. This of course depends on the size of the organization as well as the amount of content that is being managed.

3. Tracking and Statistics

By default, Drupal has its individual user tracking and statistics. However, that doesn’t mean that it cannot be integrated by third-party reporting tools for instance Google Analytics.

4. Highly Modified Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A website created by Drupal will be optimally tuned for search engines. This will be made possible by the delivery of permanent links to content, natural language URLs, customizable page metadata, and an XML site map that is automatically generated. Other features of Drupal are:

  • Content Syndication
  • Online Community Features
  • In-Built Search
  • Contributed Modules
  • Device-Specific Display
  • Multiple Content Types
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Multilingual
  • Faster Loading Speed
  • Scalability
  • Security

5. Squarespace

top cms platforms squarespace

You don’t need to be a professional website designer to have heard about a tool like Squarespace. Many people actually find Squarespace to be more instinctual. This platform is one that will motivate you to pick a template, incorporate some content and click on the GO button.

Squarespace is a platform that will allow you to create a website without having professional knowledge. This website builder makes 113 templates available to you. These templates are mobile-friendly and have a strong customer support service that is live.

Squarespace might be user-friendly, but not a hundred percent. Squarespace is not easy to use, meaning it takes longer to become accustomed to.

Squarespace is Software as a Service (SaaS) Tool. This means that you don’t possess your own copy, you simply have to pay a monthly fee to be able to use it. There are four pricing plans available: personal, business, basic commerce, and advanced commerce.

Features of Squarespace

  • Ease of Use
  • Mobile-friendly
  • 24/7 Customer Support and Improved Onboarding
  • Template Design
  • Built-in SEO Features
  • All-in-one Platform
  • E-commerce Store
  • Backend Design
  • Security, Speed, and Data Export


A content management system allows you to manage your website with little stress. These top CMS platforms list helps increase efficiency in your business, increase the search engine ranking and help you maintain control over your content.

You will need a CMS platform for your business for extensibility, mobile optimization, content management, improved customer service, and improved online branding.

There is much other content management software in the market, and picking one will entirely depend on your particular use cases and distinct circumstances. However, the Content management Software that you should use for your business must have the following features:

  • The capacity to test
  • A flexible and strong editor
  • Availability of support
  • Ability to integrate with third-party tools

Go ahead and pick the best content management software that suits your needs and grows your business!

About Winnie
Winnie is a copywriter and digital marketer in the vast world of SEO and marketing. She's as curious as she can be; constantly hunting for answers to her questions, never saying no to new experiences. When she's not spending her time typing up a storm, she is at home keeping up with her never-ending movie marathon & self-improvement books.