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15 Best SEO Plugins for WordPress

Best SEO Plugins for WordPress

Check out our list of the best SEO plugins for WordPress you should be using. These WordPress plugins help you achieve better SEO results.

Here are the 15 best SEO plugins for WordPress you should check out. 

Having supported more than 60 million websites, WordPress stands out amongst other content management systems. With straightforward guidelines, it makes web development and blogging less complicated, even for beginners. 

There is an extra advantage of adding the best SEO plugins for WordPress. Not only does it enhance WordPress performance, but it also installs new features in the system. 

We will define WordPress plugins at length and explore the best SEO plugins for WordPress in this context.

What are WordPress plugins?

These are apps that add value to a WordPress system. Currently, the WordPress directory has more than 48,000 free plugins on offer. The tiny software apps incorporate and perfect WordPress functions on websites. 

Plugins Add New Screen |

It is now easier to build a job board, a business directory, a coupon website, and many others with a free WordPress plugin. When opting for a particular plugin, there is a need to choose between small and big ones. While they may differ in different perspectives, both accomplish practical tasks supporting and enhancing the entire WordPress functionality.

In any WordPress creation, developers have the option of adding their codes. A WordPress plugin provides strong filters and hooks for the web developers to alter existing WordPress codes or add a new function. 

Keep in mind that the WordPress database registers every plugin on your site. The good thing is that it also allows the user to activate or deactivate anytime and at ease.

15 best SEO plugins WordPress

In this section, we will examine the best WordPress plugins to help you boost your SEO strategy.  Briefly, we will expound on installing plugins in WordPress and the best tips for WordPress.

1. SEOPressor Plugin 

SEOPressor plugin has the most upgraded features that help users rank better on the SERP pages. These include SEO Intelligence, on-page analysis, link management, crawler control semantic builder, and so on. 

Start with entering your target keywords on the SEO plugin. Then it will give you instant feedback and optimization suggestions to improve your on-page SEO signals. 

What we love the most about this plugin is the SEOPressor score manager. It’s hard to keep track of all your content quality, but now you can set a standard score across all content.

 For instance, the content must achieve a minimum score of 80%. Only then it can be published. This helps you make sure your content is fully optimized before publishing. 

Switch to the Meta tab, and you will see a section for you to enter your title tag and meta description. The plugin will remind you to include your target keyword in the title and meta description to boost your website’s visibility. 

Moving to the Social tab, it allows you to enable the Facebook open graph and Twitter card. You can customize it the way you like it. 

You can also use the plugin to maximize search engine readability by defining your website’s markup clearly in the Schema tab. With better categorization, you will be able to boost your search ranking. 

This powerful SEO plugin starts at only $9 per month. Furthermore, it supports multiple domains. In other words, you can use them on multiple domains with just one license. Check them out today!

2. All in one SEO Pack

All in One SEO Pack, also referred to as the AIOSEO, the easy-to-use blogging plugin for WordPress has enabled more than 2 million website owners to enhance their SEO rankings. From easy site setup to constant SEO optimization, it helps users to outrank their competitors. 

Just like SEOPressor, AIOSEO gives you an analysis of your content optimization efforts. It tells you what needs to be improved to boost your website search rankings.  

Some other notable features in this WordPress SEO plugin are the local SEO and Video SEO sitemaps. The local SEO feature helps you to improve your local SEO and rank higher on Google Maps. Simultaneously, the Video SEO sitemaps allow you to rank in Google’s video carousel widget. 

The AIOSEO plugin pricing starts from $49.50 per year per site. And the advanced version allows additional features like News sitemap, Video sitemap, Image SEO module, and more. 

3. Yoast SEO 

Yoast SEO plugin has very prudent settings, including a configuration wizard that guides users on the right steps to ideal technical SEO set up. By following the wizard’s guidelines, you solve numerous technical SEO enhancing activities for your site. 

From creating unique canonical URLs, adding access files, to installing valid Schema, Yoast SEO spruces up your content to high-rated SEO standards. While the plugin assists with your site ranking, you need to develop good content before getting the right keywords. 

After keyword research, the plugin has supreme content SEO analyses that determine your post scores on various ranking considerations. Some of them include the length of your text, intervals of using your keyword, or if you have added internal links. 

This analysis gives an easy overview of the entire score and communicates tips on enhancing your SEO ranking.

The SEO plugin comes with a free and premium version. Check out the comparison between the Yoast SEO versions here

4. Squirrly SEO

The main advantage of Squirrly SEO is that you can use it alongside other plugins like Yoast to maximize your rankings. With its crucial suggestion tool, you can get a whole list of keywords related to your topic. 

Squirry makes an incredible source platform for long-tail keywords. Besides, it informs the user of a competitor’s posts that share a similar keyword. That way, it empowers users to understand their rival’s performance. One can choose to use the same techniques or develop a different idea for an enhanced SEO rating. 

Bear in mind that Squirrly checks on your writing and confirms optimization on the search engines. Another significant element is that it never overwrites the user’s initial SEO settings.

5. Rank Math

With its premium setup wizard, Rank Math has the potential of becoming the best SEO plugin for WordPress. It allows users to import settings from other plugins and previously backed-up settings( from Rank and other websites). That way, you do not have to set them up all over each time.

Rank Math also gives you the integration of 14 types of snippets, resulting in rapid SEO optimization on posts. It has a module-based system that you can easily activate or disable. Some of the modules include Search Console, Knowledge Graph, and others. 

Another impressive aspect is the internal linking suggestions and an opportunity to track your Google keyword rankings. 

6. Google XML Sitemap

Use Google XML Sitemap to help search engines better crawl and index your site. It is one of the most popular dedicated sitemap plugins for WordPress. 


Creating a sitemap could be a complicated step for some. That’s where this handy sitemap plugin comes. It helps generate XML sitemaps easily and quickly, which helps your site indexed by Google and other search engines. 

The primary purpose of a sitemap is to enhance a website’s ranking on search engines. For that reason, you stand a better chance on your SEO efforts by adding a Google XML sitemap plugin.

7. All in One Schema Rich Snippets

All in One Schema Rich Snippets is a plugin used to markup pages or posts with rich snippets. 

A rich snippet is a summarized version of your page in the search results from Google, Bing, Yahoo, or sometimes on the Facebook news feed.

You can use this WordPress plugin to display various visual aids and information, including the product price, the number of reviews, and more. Moreover, you can easily customize the look and feel of your rich snippets box using the plugin. 

8. Broken Link Checker 

As the name suggests, Broken Link Checker monitors and tests all the links on your site, looking for broken links. A broken link sends link notifications to your email or the plugin’s dashboard with an upgraded system. 

Using the Broken Link Checker, you can edit the link on the plugin’s page without updating each post. It is also possible to search and filter your connections using the URLs, anchor texts, and others.

9. W3 Total Cache 

W3 Total Cache (W3TC) is the only web host agnostic Web Performance Optimization structure for WordPress. Not only does it improve SEO page rankings, but it also enhances the conversion rate and site performance. 

With a minimal page load time, it allows guests to view numerous pages and sustains huge traffics within a short time. 

Other prime features include mobile support, transparent content delivery network, reverse proxy integration, secure socket layers, and so on.

10. Redirection

Redirection plugins are the most popular redirector manager-free WordPress plugins. Through it, you can track the 404 errors and manage 301 directions. That way, it can enhance your website rate while reducing errors. 

With a redirect manager, you can develop and manage redirects even without Nginx or Apache knowledge. Besides matching your direct URL, you can also redirect them based on several conditions like login status, server, or page type. 

Redirection also allows users to add HTTPS headers and customize plugins for various uses. 

11. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) is a highly customizable plugin that allows you to display links to related posts and pages. Doing so will help your visitors discover more of your content, which may keep them longer on your site. 

Some key features include templating, upgraded and flexible algorithm, thumbnail, Rest Api Support, HTTPS support, to mention but a few.

12. Rel Nofollow 

Rel Nofollow is a simple and hassle-free solution for adding rel=nofollow tags to selected links in your post.

A nofollow link communicates to search engines when not to pass link authority from your page to other sites that link to it. Backlinks and links are vital SEO ranking factors to organizations. For instance, if you link your page to an external link, search engines pass your authority to other sites. 

For that reason, your site manages to attract more traffic beneficial for conversions. This plugin adds the ‘rel= nofollow’ aspect on saved posts with external links. If need be, it also gives users an apt checkbox to keep off a post from the plugin’s activities by using the ‘dofollow’ links.

13. Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress by MonsterInsights

Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress by MonsterInsights allows you to enable all advanced Google analytics tracking features with just a few clicks. No coding or developers needed. 

With the Google Analytics dashboard, you don’t need to leave WordPress to get useful information. You can easily access them all right from WordPress. 

It also comes with some other addons that make it useful for its users. One of them is the enhanced eCommerce trackings, which allow users to monitor visitor behaviors and help business owners ascertain what catches their audience’s attention and improve it. 

Other compelling features include GDPR compliance, universal tracking, Adsense tracking, affiliate link tracking, custom dimensions tracking, and many others.

14. All in One WordPress Security and Firewall 

Despite WordPress having a reliable, secure platform, there are few loopholes caused by bad security practices or careless users. All in One WordPress Security and Firewall plugins avert that by adding additional security and firewall to your site. 

With a unique grading system, it measures how an organization protects its site using various security features. Additionally, it has basic, intermediate, and advanced plans that facilitate security features without messing with your site functionality for a better SEO rank.

15. WPtouch Mobile Plugin

WPtouch has a unique aspect that adds an elegant mobile theme to your WordPress site. Considering that most SEO rankings revolve around mobile use, these plugins have the potential to enhance your site position. 

With an integration of a WordPress Customizer and WPtouch administration panel, the plugins guarantee fast delivery and a user-friendly version to your mobile version without altering your code. 

That means that your desktop theme remains intact to your non-mobile guests. Additionally, it gives various enhanced articles for businesses and blogs.

How to Install Plugins in WordPress

The most convenient way to install WordPress plugins is through the plugins search. However, this option has some limitations as it only allows for free WordPress plugins. 

The first step is to visit the Plugins and Add New page in your WordPress admin area. 

Searching for plugins to install in WordPress admin area

Next, search for the plugin that you want to install by typing the plugin name. After that, you will get a display of several plugins listings. Here, choose the best SEO WordPress plugins that suit your business.

Plugin search results

In the next step, WordPress downloads and installs the plugins for you. Note that after downloading, the ‘Install’ button changes to ‘activate.’ Click on it to start using your plugins on a WordPress site. 

The final step is to configure your plugins settings. Keep in mind that these settings may vary depending on each plugin.

Bonus Tip To Boost Your SEO Efforts

The right SEO plugins for WordPress will help you ensure you follow the best SEO practices possible. But there is more that it takes to maximize your SEO efforts. Other useful measures include using SEO friendly URLs in WordPress, monitoring your site visibility, and keyword research.

For effectual keywords, you need to settle for the ones with a high SEO value. Fortunately, you may use Keyword Intelligence to do so.

BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence allows you to gather data on keyword volume, trends, keyword competition, related keywords, and more. 

What makes BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence stand out from the rest of the keyword research tools on the market is the keyword analyzer feature. It helps you see why someone might be searching for the keyword in the search engine. With this data, you will be able to plan your content in such a way that meets your users’ needs. 

If you are unsure which keyword to use, you can sort the keywords based on their value. 

The higher valued keyword means it can potentially bring more traffic to your website at a lower competition. 

Once you get your target keyword, you can then enter the keyword in the SEO plugin like SEOPressor.

Bottom Line

A successful WordPress plugin allows the user to get valuable feedback from the audience and enables an organization to make changes that meet its needs. While they are several free WordPress plugins to choose from, you need to find one that suits your business. 

All in all, plugins should be easy to implement, affordable, and have a great potential of increasing your audience satisfaction through your content writing.

About Allysa
Allysa is always eager to learn something new whenever she got some free time and that includes SEO and inbound marketing. She also has a passion for traveling and discovering the unknown.