Here are 15 top SEO blogs you should follow in 2022 that can help you grow your SEO. 1. Backlinko 2. Ahrefs 3. Neil Patel 4. Moz 5. Google Webmaster Central Blog 6. Search Engine Land 7. SEMRush
Search engine optimization doesn’t have a one size fits all strategic approach that guarantees success.
It is an ever-evolving industry.
You’ll require resilience, dedication, and willingness to explore and keep up to date with the most recent, related technological advancements.
Advancements in artificial intelligence, augmented reality, search algorithms, social media platforms, email marketing, and various other improvements have changed how users get and consume information.
To keep up with these trends, marketers and SEOs have to up their SEO game.
They’ve had to focus on areas such as page authority, localization, click-through-rate, and voice-assisted searches such as Amazon and Alexa.
Statistics show that 40% of all internet searches in 2019 were voice searches.
This was an increase from the previous year by 9.5%.
By 2020 statistics estimated that the percentage would rise to grow to 50%.
This shift in search pattern does affect SEO.
But, is there anything we can do about it?
Yes, definitely.
However, fast search engine optimization keeps evolving.
SEO blogs remain the most reliable and popular way to keep up to date with the industry’s latest advancements.
Being aware of, reading, and subscribing to the best and most informative SEO blogs could work wonders for your SEO.
You’ll get to know the latest trending news, changes in the industry, or even some tips and tricks you could use to up your SEO game.
However, while most top SEO blogs provide some information regarding SEO, not all are quite as authoritative or informative.
But that’s why we are here.
To help you find informative SEO blogs that provide high-value, practical information that could boost your SEO.
We’ve come up with the 15 top SEO blogs you should follow in 2021 that can help you grow your SEO.
Here we go.
Top SEO Blogs to follow
1. Backlinko

Backlinko is one of the best SEO blogs out there.
Brian Dean, Backlinko’s creator, is well known for his skyscraper technique that proved that quality was better than quantity in SEO.
Brian rarely publishes blog content.
But when he does, rest assured you’ll get high-quality content that’s informative and actionable.
His latest post garnered him almost 19000 tweets and had over 900 comments to put it in context.
To get a firsthand experience of how good his work is, you could check out his post on The 17 Most Important SEO Tips for Higher Rankings.
2. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is an SEO blog that has grown exponentially over the recent years focusing on quantity over quality.
Ahrefs’ publishers post 1-2 blogs weekly and focus on quality over quantity.
They also feature several SEO topics.
They have a comprehensive backlink index, and they also offer helpful information such as how to improve page speed, keyword research, etc.
Their how-to articles are very resourceful and informative.
Check out one of their posts, What Are Long-tail Keywords? How to Find and Use Them.
3. Neil Patel

Neil Patel’s SEO blog is another excellent source for finding creative SEO content in various formats such as videos and podcasts.
Neil Patel exhaustively tackles SEO, content marketing, and other various aspects of the digital marketing industry.
His posts are pretty simple to comprehend, even for beginners.
They are also quite informative and designed to offer concrete, actionable, helpful advice for various SEO situations.
You can check out his blog on SEO Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide to see his style.
4. Moz

Moz is another excellent SEO blog.
They offer lots of insight into SEO optimization through tons of helpful information for marketers interested in SEO.
Their iconic “Whiteboard Friday series offers” gets millions of views and provides informative insights on how you could improve your SEO.
Moz’s team produces informative articles daily that could help you improve your SEO.
And you’re sure to find something useful in their vast collection.
Check out their article on 10 Things that DO NOT (Directly) Affect Your Google Rankings and see how you could improve your rankings.
5. Google Webmaster Central Blog

If you are into search engine optimization, then it pays to know what Google is up to.
The best place to get this information is through Google Webmaster Central Blog.
The blog provides search marketers with insights on changes and updates made by Google.
Adjusting your SEO to fit these changes is a great strategy that could act as a slingshot and push you ahead of the curve.
You could make a point to visit their blog at least once weekly to check out their latest developments.
Check out one of their blog posts: Evaluating page experience for a better web.
6. Search Engine Land

If you want in-depth news and analysis, then Search Engine Land is one of the best blogs around.
Search Engine Land focuses entirely on SEO news.
And they publish lots of content, 135 posts per month.
Changes in digital marketing are often happening fast.
As such, you need an SEO blog that updates you on current affairs.
Search Engine Land is the best blog that could help you stay up-to-speed with your SEO news in the industry.
Check out their article on The Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors and discover their informative posts and writing style.
7. SEMRush

SEMRush describes itself as a blog written by marketers for marketers.
SEMRush was created to provide high-quality, informative SEO content for bloggers globally.
It is the cutting-edge, go-to blog for digital marketers willing to learn about SEO trends.
It provides SEO advice through various lenses such as app development, voice search, and social media.
SEMrush has over 3000 published blog posts publishing one blog post per day on average.
Check out their blog post, A Guide to the Biggest SEO Myths on the Web.
8. Search Engine Journal

Search Engine Journal is a community-based Portal with SEO experts from the global arena who write news articles, how-to’s, analyses, and news articles related to SEO.
The SEO blog has built a solid reader base with their articles being shared by users online in the hundreds.
The SEO blog has articles on changes in algorithms, link building, and various other tactics related to SEO.
However, one problem with Search Engine Journal is that their engagement in the comment section isn’t quite enough.
You could check out one of their articles, 21 Experts Share Their Single Best Piece of SEO Advice, and see how they rank.
9. Search Engine Watch

Search Engine Watch is a multi-authored SEO blog covering a wide array of SEO issues.
It was launched in 1996, and one can describe it as being between a news website and a blog.
Their posts are often a mixture of news articles and guides, and they publish around 29 posts monthly.
Overall, Search Engine Watch produces good articles and can serve to inform you of any changes in trends.
You could check out their post, How to Hire a Great Link Builder to get a better sense of their writing style and gauge whether their articles are informative enough.
10. BiQ

If the name BiQ sounds familiar, it’s because you are reading our blog right this moment.
BiQ is an SEO suite that focuses on helping content creators, and digital marketers create great content that ranks on SERPS, search engine results pages.
BiQ offers a different approach to content creation, changing how SEO is conducted to produce more positive results.
It could easily be one of the best SEO blogs on the for-content creators!
BiQ’s SEO blog is quite informative, insightful and it provides actionable advice that could help you improve your SEO to get better rankings on SERPs.
If you are new to SEO, you should check out this post, New To SEO? SEO Metrics You Need to Track to help you get started.
11. Yoast

Anyone who has a WordPress website most likely knows about Yoast’s SEO plugin.
However, not so many people are aware that they also run an SEO blog that provides valuable content that other content creators, not only WordPress users, could use.
A considerable percentage of their content is written in the form of how-tos and guides, making their blog great for beginners looking to set their path online.
Their content focuses on technical SEO, content SEO, and WordPress SEO.
Check out their post on WordPress SEO – The definitive guide to higher rankings for WordPress sites, to get some insight on how you could boost your rankings.
12. Search Engine Roundtable

Search Engine Roundtable was created in December 2003 by Barry Schwartz.
The SEO blog publishes 5-6 posts per day, on average, and while most of their posts are short, they do help keep the SEO community up to date.
It contains curated threads of some of the most essential and exciting threads in SEO marketing forums and is an excellent source for news of what’s happening behind the scenes.
Check out their article, Google: Don’t Worry About Bounce Rate for SEO Purposes, and gauge how good they are.
13. Mangools

Mangools targets both beginners and pros in SEO, which is why they create comprehensive articles written in beginner-friendly tones.
Mangools covers various topics, including on-page SEO and keyword research.
You could check out one of their articles, The Complete SEO Guide for Beginners, and gauge how good their articles are.
14. GotchSEO

Nathan Gotch is an SEO expert who became famous by sharing his SEO knowledge on his blog, Gotch SEO.
He runs a successful agency and SEO academy where he educates others on advanced SEO techniques.
Nathan publishes one post monthly.
However, his posts are always in-depth, sometimes custom-designed, and have an average of 3500 words.
The downside to these posts is that creating such massive posts isn’t easy, so he publishes one post per month.
You could check out his post, How to Become an SEO Expert [Complete Guide], to get a better sense of his style.
15. Brightedge

Brightedge is the final SEO blog on our list.
The SEO blog provides essential insights on various aspects of SEO such as traffic, revenue, engagement, etc.
The platform is a good source of SEO information for beginners and could help improve rankings.
Check out their article, SEO metrics that matter the most.
How to write great blog posts
Writing great blog posts can be challenging, especially if you don’t have the right tools to help you out.
However, the essential element to consider if you want your blog posts to rank higher is to produce good-quality, informative content regularly and high-value targeted keywords.
You may have the right keywords but have a hard time getting more content to write about.
Using BiQ, you could get more engaging content to boost your traffic and ultimately boost your SERP rankings.
How do you go about it?
You could use the content ideas feature in BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence module to quickly find content ideas.
Those ideas will help you create fantastic blog posts that will keep your readers coming back for more.
You only need to enter your keyword or keyword phrase, and our tool will generate hundreds of content ideas.
If you want to rank higher on SERPs, you’ll also need to create SEO-friendly content.
To achieve this, you could use BiQ’s Content Intelligence, which will provide you with content-driven strategies that are SEO-friendly.
While writing your content in the block editor, BiQ will provide you with interactive writing tips that’ll help you create high-quality content relevant to your target audience.
Our tool will help you check whether you’ve placed enough keyword density in your content.
Our content grade feature will rate your content.
And if it isn’t A yet, you can take the necessary steps to ensure that it gets the A-rating for you to rank even higher on Search Engine Results Pages.
If you want to know how to create content Google loves, click here!
Back to you!
While this list represents some of the best SEO blogs on the internet, there may be a few top SEO blogs that we may have missed.
Feel free to contact us in our comment section and tell us if there is any SEO blog we may have missed.