Rank Intelligence

SEO is continuously changing. The one constant we can count on is how important it is to keep up with the latest trends to ensure that your business doesn’t find itself losing rankings by keeping you from showing up in Google’s SERP.

This module allows you to leverage data for site analysis and uncover opportunities to expand and control your search landscape. The best part of this feature is enabling you to discover rankings that you don’t even know stand a chance. 

Daily ranking crawls will provide real-time exploration at your fingertips to unleash the power of your ranking website - exclusive to BiQ. With this, you’ll get to leverage the industry’s only real-time, interactive SERP intelligence tool that delivers big SEO ranking data, position zero opportunities, top 100 ranking opportunities, and dynamic insights at the speed of thought.

Create a New Profile

If you don’t have an existing profile to select, click ‘Create New Profile’ to create a profile. 

Fill in your domain name, language, and location. Then, click ‘Create New Rank Intelligence Profile.’ 

BiQ’s Rank Intelligence will start to analyze your domain and return with your ranking results.

You will see a summary of your ranking performance; All Top 100 Ranking, Estimated Monthly Traffic, and All Ranking Distribution. 

Next, you want to create a new View to view the ranking keywords.

If you want to view only those keywords ranking in the Top 10, you can create a set of filter parameters. Specify your preferred Search Ranking, Search Volume, and Keyword Filters.

You will see the keywords that are ranking based on the filters that you have created. 

Ranking Overview

The ranking overview shows the overall performance of your ranking keywords.

All Top 100 Ranking & Distribution - shows all keywords ranking and distribution ratio between #1-3, #4-10, #11-20, #21-50, and #51-100 ranking

This View’s Filter Parameter - shows the View’s filter parameters that you have specified previously.

Go back to the ‘Summary’ tab to create more ‘View’ if you want to see other specific ranking lists.

This View’s Ranking & Distribution - shows only the View’s ranking and distribution ratio between #1-3, #4-10, #11-20, #21-50, and #51-100 ranking.

Update Ranking - when there is a new ranking update available, click this button to update the ranking results.

This View’s Keyword Data - shows you the overall View Keywords data. 

Total Search Volume: The total search volume for all the keywords

Average CPC: The average cost per click for the keywords

Average Competition: The average competition for the keywords

Ranking Keywords

After the ranking overview, you will see the ranking keywords together with their metrics.

Keywords - Shows all the keywords ranking for the domain.

You can hover to the keyword if you want to further analyze them in Keyword Intelligence, Content Intelligence, or Rank Tracking.

Volume - Average monthly search volume of a keyword

CPC - Cost Per Click (CPC) is the estimated sum of money that advertisers are paying to bid on this keyword on Google Ads

Comp - Competition is the number of advertisers bidding on each keyword relative to all keywords across Google. It helps you understand how competitive the keyword is

SERP Features - This shows if there are any SERP features for the ranking keywords

URL - Shows the pages that are ranking for the keyword

Your Pos - Show the ranking position of the keyword in the search results

Action - Click 'Track' to add the ranking keyword to the Rank Tracking and start tracking its performance

Advanced Filter

On the top right of the search results, you can find options to filter your results.

Filter by Keyword Volume

Filter by keyword volume allows you to select the range of keyword volume that you want to analyze.

Filter by SERP Position 

Filter by SERP position allows you to select the range of SERP positions that you want to analyze.

Advanced Include and/ or Exclude Filters (Keywords)

Advanced filters allow you to either include or exclude particular terms from the keyword listed in the table. Just type it in and select the option “AND” or “OR” to get the desired results.

  • Includes: Keywords in the table should contain the text entered in the filter
  • Excludes: Keywords in the table should not contain the text entered in the filter.

Advanced Include and/ or Exclude Filters (URL)

Advanced filters allow you to either include or exclude a particular URL from the URL listed in the table. Just type it in and select the option “AND” or “OR” to get the desired results.

  • Includes: URL in the table should contain the URL entered in the filter
  • Excludes: URL in the table should not contain the URL entered in the filter


Click the ’Export’ button found at the top right. Then, select to export as CSV (spreadsheet). 

Add To Track

Select the keywords that you want to track, and click ‘Add To Tracking’ to track the keywords or page movement.

Delete A Profile

You may delete a profile by clicking the icon as shown below.