Having trouble getting shares and likes for your content? High engagement is important to build your community and search engine optimization itself. So worry not, because in this article, you’ll find 9 strategies to make your content shareworthy!
Digital marketing is the go-to strategy for most businesses these days. We understand if you are facing problems with getting your content shared or promoted on social media.
Due to the change in the social media algorithms, organic views have decreased drastically. Not only that, but at least 2 million blog posts are created a day, along with other statuses, posts, and images that it all seems impossible to get your audiences to see your content.
If you think that churning out more and newer contents is the solution, that is definitely not it. One of the smartest things you can do instead is to make your content interesting and easy to share.
Shareable content will generate more traffic meaning more eyes will see your content, which will, in turn, generate more shares and ultimately boost your brand or business.
What Makes People Share?
But first, we need to understand the psychology behind why people share.

By understanding what influences people to share content, we as content marketers can utilize this knowledge to tailor our content to make them more shareable.
These 5 key elements of what motivates someone to share are summarised from a New York Times research and another study conducted by a team of UCLA psychologists.
1. Emotion
Matthew Lieberman noted that emotional content strikes a chord with audiences and is often the reason driving them to take action or inaction.
Many stories, videos, and images that go viral evoke happiness, surprise, admiration, and satisfaction. Typically, positive stories generate the most shares.
On the other end, a study by the Univerisity of Pennsylvania has also shown that content which evokes negative emotion is also more likely to be shared, even if it is an emotion like anxiety or anger.

2. Social Currency
People only share what they connect with and what they think makes them look good in other peoples’ eyes.
Because when someone shares something, they are also building and maintaining their social reputation online, so they’d most likely share what they think would put them in a good light.
Generally, they wouldn’t want to share misleading or irrelevant information and boring content as it might “ruin” their reputation.
3. Usefulness
When it comes to sharing, usefulness can be an important factor.
After all, many choose to share something because it allows them to inform others of products they care about and potentially change opinions or encourage action.
Provide value to your audience by doing thorough research on how your content will be useful to them, and they will most likely reward you by sharing your content with their friends and loved ones.
4. Storytelling
Storytelling is one of the most effective ways that allow people to relate to your content or product. This is because when you tell a story that is not only interesting, it will be memorable as they can see the relevance of your product or service in their everyday lives.
If they can relate to your story, they will most probably share your content as they want their friends or others to also be aware of how their problem can be solved. Just take a look at Google who fully utilizes this aspect in their brand storytelling.
5. Identity
This is arguably one of the most influential factors to why people share content. When your content is relatable or relevant, it is easier for the readers to feel connected and see themselves in the content.
Your audiences will share your content as it helps them to express their interests, passions as well as their own expertise.
People do this because not everyone is a writer, hence when they see content articulating their thoughts for them in a better way than they can say it themselves, they are more motivated to share your content.
9 Tactics to create highly shareable content
Your content can either make or break a brand. Great content sure does help you to connect with your audiences. But even great content has to be shared to be seen.
So here comes the question: How can you motivate your audience to share your content on social media? Here are 9 ways you can do that easily!
1. Do a competitive research
One easy way is to spy on your competitors’ published content that is successful. We know that it might sound sneaky, but what works for them could work for you too!
Work smart and this could help you gain insights on potential customers.
Tracking your competitors doesn’t have to be tedious and time-consuming if you use BiQ’s Rank Intelligence tool! You can get keywords from your competitors’ successful content and create something similar.
Here’s how you can get started:
Create a new profile using your competitor’s website.
That way, you can discover all the keywords that they are ranking for.
Now that you know what keywords they’re ranking for, it’s time to work on keyword mapping.
Filter the keywords ranked based on the URL. This way, you can see which keywords are clumped together by Google, thus highly related to each other. All these keywords then belong in a single keyword map.
If you notice that your competitors are ranking for a good number of keywords that are essential to your industry, then you better follow suit and target those keywords as well, in order to build up the relevancy of your website with those keywords.
2. Work on your headlines
Your headline gives the first impression to your audiences. It is what entices and reels your readers in.
The funny thing about social sharing is that most of the time, lots of people share content without even reading it! You might have done that yourself too. What makes people do that is because of the headline and the image.
Using a usual, boring headline format will generate few clicks and fewer shares, but a killer headline has an entirely opposite effect and has the ability to immediately suck the reader in.
Take this blog headline as an example:
Or this Twitter post:
How does creating a creative and enticing yet accurate headline help you?
It will let your content surf around the web, from social users to another user, until it reaches your potential target audience and buyers.
3. Tell a story with your content
Why is storytelling important in creating shareable content?
This is because it allows your audience to relate themselves in the story, be it their day-to-day experience or maybe just a one-time experience.
To create a compelling yet unforgettable story, make sure that there is a clear beginning, middle, and end.
Introduce a problem, and then show them the solutions by using your product or services. Lastly, remember to show them how they can start taking action on the solution through your product or service.
At the end of it, you should be able to answer the question, “Did my content relate to my audience and get them from point A to point B clearly?”
Be careful to not “oversell” your products or services as this might drive potential customers away. Try a soft sell method instead. Be subtle yet not too pushy.
Take this Instagram post by Dove as an example:
4. Create relatable content that speaks to people’s interest
There are many reasons why people use social media, but one of the main points is to connect with people who have a similar interest as them.
For instance, if the person likes photography, they will most likely follow other accounts that post artistic and nice photos. The same goes for the content they share. This is because it serves as a tool for them to connect and engage with like-minded individuals.
The important point here is that your content should speak to people’s interests. When posting articles on trending topics, try to relate the main points with the interest of your audiences.
For example, if you have a blog about beauty and makeup and you want to connect it with a trending topic, you can write about how famous celebrities like Beyonce or Gigi Hadid do their makeup or skincare routine before going out.
This will certainly spark discussions among your followers, which will ultimately lead to shares.
5. Make your content useful
From the New York Times research, it is found that 90% of users will assess the usefulness of the content before sharing it.
So how can you make sure that your content is useful to your audience?
To start, you need to think about the question or problem your content is addressing. You need to provide step-by-step information on how they can solve their problem using your product or services.
In the story of your content, you need to remember that the audiences are the main character. By the time they have finished reading, they must be able to realize the answer or know something that they didn’t know before.
In other words, your content is providing value to your audiences. In order to maximize shares, you need to maximize value.
Once people understand that this content of yours can help change them, they’ll share it. Be it for convenient future reference for themselves or for others as it’s in human nature to share what’s helpful to others.
Here at BiQ, we strive to create and provide blogs with valuable information for our readers. Check out our other contents which might be useful in helping you in the future!
6. Capitalize on trending topics
Trending content, which covers topics people are talking about at the moment, is far more likely to be shared due to its immediate relevance.
By creating content related to current trends, you can definitely generate more shares. The question is, how do you know what’s trending?
Both Twitter and Facebook, as well Youtube have a “trending” section that allows you to see the current hot topics.
Now that you know what is trending, how can you create content that is related to the trending topic?
BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence tool also allows you to look for newer and trending keywords using the Trending Searches feature.
This will show you the latest keywords or topics around your selected keyword as it helps you discover what trending searches people are searching for online.
At the same time, you can also see the month-to-month trend for your evergreen keywords to help plan out your yearly content and social media post.
7. Add shareable images and videos
Content quality matters, but so does your visuals. According to BuzzSumo, posts with graphics placed every 75-100 words get twice as many social shares.
This is because images have the ability to attract large amounts of traffic as social media is largely image-driven than ever.
Make sure that your content has eye-catching, creative yet accurate graphics to attract your audiences.
This blog uses GIFs but it focuses on advertising professionals.
More importantly, you need to ensure that your images are optimized as they can help your content rank highly in search and help boost your SEO.
8. Validate your audience’s opinions
Picking a side is not easy, but what annoys your audiences more is not picking a side at all! When you do pick aside, you need to stand your stance strongly and provide facts.
This will help those who agree with you share your posts because you are representing their viewpoint.
Content which validates an audience’s opinion is easily shareable because it arms people with evidence from a reliable source, which is you, that their opinions are correct.

Where do you stand?
Those that do not agree with you will share your article to call you out and challenge you in the comments and discussion. Don’t feel intimidated by this thought, because in the end, it is still boosting your traffic!
9. Get your audience involved in your content creation
At Databox, they use an interesting technique to get their audiences involved in their content creation. How do they do that?
Well, they routinely send emails to their email subscribers who are majority marketers, inviting them to take part in their research surveys to get their thoughts on a variety of topics.
Participants will get some exposure and backlink and they’re naturally incentivized to share the content.
Their insights and quotes are then incorporated into their blog post and shared all over social media:
So think compounding sharing. The results will speak for themselves.
Are you optimizing your shareable content?
Why is content optimization important for sharing?
Well, it makes sure that your content is written in a way that it will reach the largest possible audiences.
Here at BiQ, our Content Intelligence tool can help you optimize your content so that they become more shareable.
Step 1: Start with analyzing your content
Enter the URL of your content together with your target keyword in the Content Intelligence’s search box.
From the results, you can get an overview of how your content is actually performing, in the eyes of both humans and search engines.
Step 2: Analyze what your competitors are doing
Now, type in the same target keyword in the search engines.
Go through the pages that rank above you and repeat Step 1 but this time enter your competitor’s URL and the same keyword.
Analyze how the competitors are doing and note what is missing in your content.
Step 3: Optimize your content
After you are done with doing competitive analysis, it is time for you to start optimizing your content. Use the notes you’ve made and the suggestions provided in Content Intelligence to optimize your content.
If your content manages to achieve the green state then congratulations, it represents a job well done.
Lastly, you can also use the Content Intelligence tool to analyze the reader’s sentiments. Emotions play a big part in motivating audiences to share. If your content hits them right in the feels, there’s a high chance that they will share your content with others.
All you have to do is insert your target keyword and URL to see them.
Sentiment Analysis is the analysis of someone’s emotions behind the words. In simple words, it helps you categorize pieces of writing as positive, neutral, or negative.
Here are the types of sentiment analysis you will be seeing in BiQ’s Content Intelligence:
- Analytical
- Joy
- Fear
- Tentative
- Angry
- Sadness
- Confident
- No tone
Usually, positive content will get the most shares, but content that makes people angry also has a high sharing rate. Use this tool to make sure that your content is delivering the type of emotion you intend to give to your audience.
The key takeaway here is to create something you would want to share yourself.
Experiment and get creative with the techniques we’ve introduced. It takes quite some effort to create good-quality shareable content but your effort will not be in vain.
We’ve shared with you why people share and now that you’re equipped with the knowledge, you need to create content that’s optimized for sharing.
If you’ve found our article interesting and helpful, feel free to share them on Facebook, Twitter, or your platform of choice. You can use those social sharing buttons at the bottom of our page!