If you're an aspiring digital marketer looking to get into digital marketing, this article shows you 2022's most in-demand marketing skills that you ought to possess.
With the “new normal” taking precedence, it has pushed the need for marketing skills to the forefront.
The past decade has seen major transformations and new marketing strategies and professionals emerge. Indeed, it’s a great time to be a marketer and content creator.
Scrappy and growth-minded, data-driven marketers now strive to make your sales and marketing efforts flawless.
As a marketer who’s practicing exclusively in the digital realm, you essentially have access to text content, video content, running ads on Google, optimizing company websites, building press relationships, crafting email marketing campaigns, managing social media platforms, among other things.
Capable digital marketing professionals with considerable expertise are in high demand now more than ever. Your digital marketing skills are what will get you in front of the right target audience. As the most sought-after talent in the online field, there are several skills for marketing that are even more proficient and in-demand than others.
Your job is to determine the marketing knowledge and skills that will make you even more valuable to your company.
Why Being a Digital Marketer Brings Benefit?
Knowing how to be a good marketer and what you need to better your marketing skills is the role every digital marketer focuses on. The digital landscape is constantly changing, forcing marketers to adapt to the latest tools, Google algorithms, and best marketing practices.
As digital marketing continues to influence even more core areas of the internet, it’s becoming even more difficult to avoid it. Marketers must also understand the key skills to focus on throughout their marketing careers.
The key is to create a marketing campaign that’s attractive and engaging enough and gets you in front of the right target audience. Having the right digital marketing strategies will help you reach and engage your target consumers online more effectively.
Therefore, with the right marketing skills, you can be sure to craft the most cost-effective but highly relevant marketing strategy that wins you more leads and conversions and boosts your search rankings and site visibility.
2022’s Most In-Demand Marketing Skills
As a digital marketer, having the right marketing skills in your arsenal is perhaps the most sought-after proficiency by most online businesses. And as the digital marketing niche continues to evolve and hone its own skills for marketing, it seems to become more demanding.
However, with some practice, you will see that digital marketing isn’t as intimidating as most people make it. What makes your marketing knowledge and skills important is how you refine and perfect them on each front.
With that said, here are the top nine in-demand digital marketing skills you’ll want to focus on in 2022:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

As a digital marketer, one of the most challenging things you’ll face is getting your target audience to visit and stay on your website.
But this is now possible with search engine optimization (SEO).
SEO is the practice of optimizing your website or content to rank high up in the search engine results pages like Google for search queries relevant to your business or product. As a result, you’ll be guaranteed more high-quality visitors and leads to your website.
SEO has become the staple of all modern digital marketing. It is one of the best methods you can use to build brand awareness for your brand while ensuring sustainable and long-term demand for your product/service.
SEOs always know how to differentiate between important search queries that resonate well with their buyers and those that don’t. They understand the tools and essentials needed to create great content that will attract high rankings from Google.
However, crafting great content is only half the work. You must also understand other SEO elements, such as on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO. All these factors play a critical role in your overall content visibility and getting your content in front of the right audience.
You must also understand that online SEO tools such as BiQ Cloud can inform you on how to work on your SEO for the betterment of your website. SEO is constantly evolving and changing. Therefore, digital marketers must always strive to stay on top of the current best practices to maximize new ranking opportunities.
2. Content Marketing
Did you know that over 60% of digital marketers rate content marketing as crucial to their marketing strategies? And truthfully, it is.
Drafting quality content is the cornerstone of any marketing discipline. However, more specifically, quality content will benefit your audience retention abilities, social media traction, site authority, and lead generation. And while quality graphic design and great user experience will help keep your audience interested in your website, the actual words on your web page must also be of value.
Today, customers are more interested to know the mission and story behind the brands they choose to interact with before committing to purchases or promotions. Therefore, quality content marketers are crucial for helping you forge a solid brand narrative for your target audience and knowing the best medium to share it on.

BiQ Keyword Intelligence is another great online SEO tool you can use to seek relevant keywords for your content that meets your user’s search intent. The Keyword Intelligence feature allows you to gather critical data regarding your keyword volume, related keywords, keyword competition, trends, and more.
BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence has all the data that anyone learning how to be a good marketer must have to improve their chances of breaking through in this highly competitive industry.
You can also use the keyword analyzer feature to determine why someone might search for a particular keyword in the search engine. This way, you will be better positioned to plan your content in a way that meets your user’s needs.
On the other hand, BiQ’s Content Intelligence tool also allows you to draft, edit, and optimize your content by providing you with content-driven strategies that are SEO-friendly. You will have access to relevant data and real-time interactive writing as you type your content.
3. Product UI/UX

In today’s marketing environment, writing content that tells a relevant story to your target audience is crucial for winning their engagement. However, simply writing great content isn’t enough anymore.
Even the best-crafted content needs some visual aspects to make them more appealing and attractive to your customers. Fortunately, you can now find several resources and buying processes with amazing digital designs you can use for your content.
You can also take these digital and marketing skills a step further by improving your website’s user interface and user experience. Remember, when customers find your website easy to navigate and use, they are more likely to spend more time perusing through it. Google also likes websites that they can crawl easily and reward them by ranking them high up in the SERPs.
One key factor to note is that website designing doesn’t only mean mastering your photoshop skills. You can use many amazing free tools, such as Canva, with amazing design features you can capitalize on to improve your content’s appearance and attractiveness.
4. Data Analytics & Interpretation
The best digital marketers spend several hours with data, tracking and monitoring their website’s performances.

Data analytics is one of the crucial marketing knowledge and skills you must master because it enables you to measure the impact of your marketing efforts objectively. You will know exactly how many online users are engaging with your content, social media posts, email marketing campaigns, and more.
You can also use this data to garner insight into how your target audience reacts and interacts with your content. All these will inform your future marketing strategies, thereby keeping you ahead of the competition.
As a digital marketer, your world will be filled with data and critical insights that allow you to find new growth opportunities. For instance, you can use BiQ’s Rank Tracking or Google analytics to find your highly-trafficked blog posts that are converting more visitors to leads.
More importantly, it’s essential to practice the art of monitoring and translating data derived from tools into a narrative framework. This allows you to tell stories with data, thereby backing up your proposals, which will enable you to persuade your superiors to greenlight your ideas.

BiQ’s Rank Tracking is especially useful in helping you seek data you care about, such as site performance (in desktop and mobile) and results of your SEO actions. Remember, great SEO is about constant experimentation and content optimization. With BiQ’s Rank Tracking, you will have the relevant data you need to link your ranking efforts to your SEO processes.

The Rank Tracking tool will give you a bird’s eye view and help better understand what works best for your website SEO.
5. Social Media Marketing
No matter what product/service you’re selling, your buyers are probably already on social media, just waiting for you to market your products/services to them.
Social media marketing provides you the opportunity to build a huge following for your business. It also allows you to retarget some of your prospective clients with tailored and personalized content and promotions that might interest them.

Social media marketing is one of the crucial marketing skills every marketer must master, especially when determining the best social media channels prospective buyers are on. These may include LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many more.
Your social media marketing efforts can also be in the form of videos, infographics, GIFs, and even product launch announcements for your new blog posts. These content formats allow you to engage with your customers in meaningful ways.
But perhaps most importantly, it’s best that you start watching, learning, and participating in all the social media networks that matter to you.
6. Competitive Research
Your ability to understand your competition is crucial for anyone learning how to be a good marketer. After all, if your fingers aren’t on the pulse of your industry, your competition might end up luring your customers away from your website.

As such, competitive research and analysis is another critical marketing skill you will want in your arsenal.
Staying abreast with what your competition is up to – their thoughts about the market, the tactics they’re using – can make a huge difference in your customer success efforts.
Furthermore, competitive research offers you a goldmine of opportunities for conversion optimizations. It is one of the top marketing skills that will improve your website’s effectiveness and your digital media campaigns.
7. Video Content
Did you know that over 85% of internet users in the US watch online content monthly on their devices?

Today, video marketing has become a lot cheaper and easier to make and manage than ever before. But it still maintains its importance in most company’s digital marketing campaigns. In less than five minutes, you could create a captivating marketing video from your iPhone or Android phone and publish it on your website or social media handle.
Visual marketing is crucial for marketers who want to take their brand awareness and content engagement to new heights. Videos add an extra layer to all your marketing strategies by helping you break through the noise and text content.
More importantly, adding video content to your website will boost its overall traffic and rank on the search engine results pages. Think of video content as one of the marketing skills that will amplify your marketing efforts when done right.
8. Technology Proficiency
Digital marketers need automation tools to help them maximize their marketing skills. Therefore, you must have a good working knowledge of all the tools needed to enhance your reach and convert your audience.

Some of the top marketing automation tools marketers should invest in include BiQ Cloud, HubSpot, MailChimp, and Marketo, which you can use to convert your site visitors into customers. Some of these tools will also help you track your customer’s journey through your marketing funnel and engage your customers through pop-ups, emails, SMS texts, landing pages, and more.
9. Project Management
Digital marketing demands a great deal of coordination for it to be effective. Therefore, besides being creative, you must also stay organized and work effectively with your team members.
You must know how to pick up projects from ideation to completion – whether it’s an article, an eBook, or website redesign – in a speedy, effective manner.
A talented marketer also always has a plan B if the first marketing tactic doesn’t produce the desired results. You will have to keep your cool and make adjustments whenever things don’t go as expected.
A reputable project management platform like Asana has some great templates to improve your project management processes and outlines.
While honing your skills for marketing might seem overwhelming, especially for new digital marketers, there is tons of relevant information you can use to learn. Developing your marketing skills and becoming an industry leader in this highly competitive field isn’t easy.
However, the list above sets the path on how to be a good marketer. Indeed, 2022 is the perfect time of great opportunities in all things to do with digital marketing. Capitalize on it starting now!