This article shows you the latest 2022 SEO trends that you as a marketer should know. By learning these SEO trends, your website will be at the forefront of your niche.
Ready for some 2022 SEO Trends?
Nothing changes quite like the weather and SEO trends. Trends you are still indexed and found today can be completely irrelevant in the next few months or years. Therefore, as a business, it’s always essential to stay ahead of SEO elements and adjust your online presence accordingly.
Fortunately, these 2022 SEO Trends we will be discussing have some of the common elements that will still prove to be effective. And while some will be less relevant, a significant proportion will become even more important.
Most of these trends are always observable, thereby allowing you enough time to work around them.
To ensure you maintain a strong online presence, you must stay informed of everything that’s going on in the SEO world. You must continuously adjust your marketing strategies to conform to the latest SEO trends in 2022. After all, ranking higher in Google guarantees you more visitors and growth.
Entrepreneurs should find this article particularly interesting as it holds the top SEO trends that will benefit your business when done right.
SEO Trends 1 – Understanding the User’s Search Intent Will Be the First Thing You Must Do

As the Google search engine evolves to become much more “conversational,” online users can now expect it to interpret intent more effectively. Say the user wants to purchase something online or maybe find a location nearby. Google is every online user’s new favorite chatbot.
Google’s search intent evolution is set to accommodate other SEO trends’ growing popularity, too, like voice search and voice assistants. Users now speak naturally to Alexa or Siri, asking questions and treating conversational AI platforms like alternative search engines. Think of them as some kind of “touch-free” search experience.
Google’s focus on search intent is a clear signal of the search engine’s signal on which direction it’s set in 2022 SEO trends. As a business owner, it’s crucial that you follow suit heading into 2022 to maximize your SEO and digital marketing strategies for the best results.
To ease your work, you may use BiQ’s Keyword Intelligence to check the keyword’s intent.
Let’s say you want to know the searcher’s intent when searching for ‘content marketing.’ Type them into the keyword tool.
It will show you the estimated keyword intent percentages based on the total number of related keywords.

The keyword has an informational intent from the example above, which means the searchers are in the awareness stages.
Since the searchers are looking for more information, you can create informational content such as ‘why do you need content marketing?’ and ‘top content marketing examples’.
Scroll down and you’ll be able to identify each keyword intent so that you can understand your target audience better.

This proved to be a great help because it eliminates assumptions and guesswork to identify the searchers’ intent.
BiQ is certainly a tool you shouldn’t be missing out on in the year to come!
SEO Trends 2 – Artificial Intelligence Appearing in SEO Tools
Technology is now a lot smarter in the last decade, thanks to the implementation of Artificial Intelligence. Google’s own algorithms have been developed to understand the language more like people do, making them effective at pinpointing discrepancies like keyword stuffing and irrelevant content.
So, what does this mean? Basically, Google’s algorithm now has the capacity to understand the intent and possibly identify the real reason behind user search queries. This should be a key update since it also transforms the overall search engine experience.
Today, Google search accommodates voice search and assistants that also continue to rise in popularity. Users ask Siri and Alexa questions and even treat them as search engines. And these devices actually deliver relevant information almost 100% of the time.
For example, the BiQ tool is your personalized, AI-Guided SEO Suite that gets you the rank and traffic. It consists of four SEO-focused core products in ONE subscription.
BiQ Keyword Intelligence

If you are looking to find valuable keywords that give you more traffic, BiQ has Keyword Intelligence for you. It helps you understand the searchers’ intent when searching for a keyword. With this feature, you will improve sales by specifically targeting keywords with high transaction intent in their content.
Or if you face writer’s block, switch over to the Content Ideas, Popular Questions, or Trending Topics tab to come up with your best topic that attracts the most traffic.
BiQ Content Intelligence

If you are wanting to draft, edit, and optimize your content for better SEO, there’s Content Intelligence. Start creating your own article and edit them as you write. Not only that, but you’ll also be receiving AI-guided optimization suggestions so you know what is required to create the best content.
Gain deeper insights as your main keyword will be further broken down and classified into three new categories: terms of usage, similar keywords, and example sentences.
You will also be getting a real-time analysis of your content with crucial insight into your overall content readability grade, sentiment level, semantic density score, keyword density score, and more!
BiQ Rank Intelligence

If you are ready to check your keyword rankings on search engines in an instant, there’s Rank Intelligence at your service.
This product lets you identify all the keywords you are currently ranking for, complete with insightful metrics, such as search volume, cost per click, competition, SERP features presence, ranking pages, and ranking position.
You can also use Rank Intelligence to see your competitors’ winning keywords. This can help you identify which keywords work for your competitors that may also work for you.
BiQ Rank Tracking

Or if everything’s up and you’d want to track and monitor your website rankings in search results, try out the accurate Rank Tracking!
You’d get to know the keyword’s ranking performance on both desktop and mobile. Get exposed to the overall visibility on Google’s search engine result pages over time to understand what’s working or not. With this, you will have all it takes to uncover the missing gaps and build on better strategies.
As you can clearly see, BiQ incorporates all these smart technologies in one single SEO suite. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free tier account today!
SEO Trends 3 – Brands Should Prioritize Content Quality As Always

Never let anybody tell you otherwise, especially in the digital marketing and SEO industry. Content has established itself well as a key factor of every online business’s success. This hasn’t changed and probably won’t any time soon.
You must be in the business of creating useful content that your audience finds relevant and informative. Do this right, and Google will see you as an authoritative online figure. Your visitors will appreciate you, and so will Google.
Simply put, you must always work on creating content that meets your users’ needs. Before that, you’ve got to understand what’s important to cover in your topic.
Assuming that you have a great keyword in hand, you need to know what goes inside your content. The typical practice for a content writer to do this is to hop over to Google, type the keyword in, and open a dozen tabs consisting of the top articles.
The problem is it takes so long, and human observation is prone to error. This is where BiQ Content Intelligence comes in handy. For any keyword of the document created, the tool analyzes it with the top-performing organic content on Google.

Content Intelligence also gives you a breakdown of your keyword in terms of usage, similar keywords, and example sentences, all to ensure that your content is of the highest quality in the eyes of Google and your readers.
They should be the go-to source that shapes your article as you write. For example, if you’re writing about “unrealistic standards”, just running a Wordscope analysis can get you similar keywords like media standards trust, what is media ethics, and so on.
Gone are the days when businesses relied on keywords alone. Having relevant keywords needs to come hand in hand with content that has caliber. Your content’s quality is one of the best formulas you can use for your website’s success.
SEO Trends 4 – Semantic Search Will Be Very Important

The fourth 2022 SEO trends go to semantic search.
How users search for things online will become a more central theme in 2022. Semantics is basically the study of words and their relationships to each other. Semantic search helps search engines study the meaning of these relationships in specific contexts, making it perfect for Google and understandable by readers.
Search engines use semantic search to sift through all the data available and determine the best context, intent, and meaning that they need. This helps search engines to provide users with the most relevant content possible.
Some areas to concentrate on to improve your semantic search results:
- Use structured data where necessary
- Optimize content for topics instead of keywords
- Don’t write for Google. Write for people
- Create content that addresses your audience’s questions
SEO Trends 5 – Invest Time in Doing Quality Videos
People love video content for several key reasons. For one, video is simply more engaging and fun to interact with than bland texts and graphics. Video content has always played a prominent role in searches and how search engines rank content.
Videos are now used more often on websites and social media, and their quality keeps increasing yearly. And this explains why Google places such great importance on it.
Videos now appear on the first pages of Google more often than web pages that contain only plain text. So, if you want to score higher on search engines in 2022, it’s probably best to start paying more attention to video content.
Consider starting a YouTube channel for your business where you can post useful and relevant videos. It’s also best practice to embed your videos on your web pages and in blog articles for higher rankings.
SEO Trends 6 – User Experience Will Conquer the Websites

Businesses can expect the user experience to be at the forefront of SEO trends in 2022. This should be somewhat self-explanatory since it focuses on steps your business must take to improve users’ experience once they visit your site/page.
Looking ahead, you should expect the user experience to have an even more impact on how search engines rank websites. Google will be updating its search algorithm to have search-centered metrics that demand greater emphasis on user experience.
This algorithm will measure web usabilities like interactivity, accessibility, and load times across all devices and platforms.
Sites that can provide the best usability experience will receive better rankings and search visibility. The best way you can test this out is by analyzing your website’s features to see how they perform. Then take steps to optimize your website for a better user experience in 2022.
SEO Trends 7 – Voice Search Has to Be Part of Your SEO Strategy

Voice search is another fast-growing trend you can’t ignore entering 2022. Its popularity will continue to grow into 2022 as voice transcription becomes more accurate and effective. Data collected by Statista indicates that digital voice assistants will increase to 8.4 billion units by 2024.
The voice transcription systems developed by Google and Microsoft show just 5.1% error rates. The launch of smart speakers like Google Home and Amazon Echo has also made voice search to be even more popular among online users.
Therefore, you must optimize your website for voice search as early as NOW as you usher in 2022. And the best way to do this is by making your content more conversational since voice searchers are generally relaxed.
SEO Trends 8 – Click-Through Rate and Dwell Time

Click-through rates (CTR) and dwell times help businesses to measure the number of users who click through on your website versus impressions. Analytics tools also enable you to know how many online users view your page, advertisement, or email message. CTR will remain even more important going into 2022.
You also want to pay special attention to dwell time. Dwell time is the length of time users spend on your pages before leaving. If visitors stick around for several minutes, it’s usually an indication that they find your content informative and interesting. The vice versa is also true when visitors spend shorter dwell times on your site. It can mean they decided to seek other sources with more relevant information.
Together, both metrics provide a lot of insight into how interested your visitors are in your content, products, or services. However, don’t hyper-focus on these two metrics. Instead, you want to pay attention to your audience using these metrics and how they help make your digital marketing more effective.
SEO Trends 9 – Featured Snippets

As a business owner, you won’t always have to generate long-term content exclusively to climb Google rankings. Since featured snippets rolled out in 2017, they’ve become a sort of shortcut to achieving dominance in Google. Plus, they are very brief and are a great way of getting on the ever-coveted first page of results.
When used correctly, snippets can divert a significant amount of traffic from competitors and get you in the limelight. Featured snippets show a lot of information, often structured in brief bullet-point, how-to guides, and Q&A. Rich snippets focus more on images, product prices, star-based reviews, and similar bits of information.
It’s still not too late to incorporate these strategies. As you can see, it’s the people and experience that we care most about in the upcoming year. All of these “good” experiences will indicate a good website, just like what Google wanted.
All the best in implementing all the 2022 SEO trends for the upcoming year!